Monday, February 11, 2013

Matt #43

Other week has passed... and other week of life changing experinces that cannot be expressed in words... Today I would like to start my E-mail a little diffrently. I would ask each person who reads this to pray in your hearts right now that the Spirit will be with you as you read the things I write and hope will help... I hope everyone realizes that Ben and I are nothing out here in the Mission. We do not teach people and we do not have Baptisms. We do not do anything out here... Its all by the Spirit. If you meet a good Missionary back home he will tell you that he only did what the Lord wanted him to, that he did his best to follow the rules and do the work not because it was his obligation to be a obiedent Missionary but because he realized that without the Spirit of the Lord in his heart he was nothing. This past week I really tried my best to understand this principle but its one thing to say alguma coisia, but its a whole other story to do something about. To start of I would like to thank you all once again for the wonderfull e-mails.. they are so amazing to recieve every week and I'm so glad for the news I hear from everyone. Its pretty interesting because as I read all your words the Spirit shouts to my Heart and mind "Talk about that in your E-mail" or "That would be really neat to write down and use for another time." but when all is said and done and I've finished reading your wonderfull loved filled letters, I only feel the Spirit and your love for Ben and I and I cant remember what I wanted to write! Haha. I love what you said mom about having a little pressure to write e-mails... These past few weeks I've been really worried about what I would say that might help those back home who might be having a tough time... but then I realized that I only need to bear testimony and the Spirit will do the rest. :) Kinda like when were teaching investigators huh? Haha. Dad thank you for the E-mail about "Making your Calling and Election made sure" I was reading a few things from Elder Bruce R. McConkie about this subject and it sparked my intrest but after I really pondered about this deep Doctrine I also realized that as long as we are truly trying our best it doesnt matter to much. :) The Lord knows the intentions of our Hearts and thats all that matters to me. Also thank you mom for your words... I miss you so much you have no idea! Alyssa your story touched my heart and also I cant believe all the snow! The brazilians would freak out if they saw this picture haha. Sister Tighe when you mentioned about Alex, Ben, and I when we were younger just playing around or waiting for you and my mother to stop chatting so we could go play some more at your house a flood of memories came back into my mind! Those were really good memories. Also Kristin thank you for your e-mail about conversion... this is so important and I hope you all realize just how important your E-mails really are to Ben and I.

Well lets begin... to be honest I'm not sure what I really intented to write today but I hope it will be good. Just so everyone knows we had transfers and it looks like I will be staying in my area another transfer along with my companion Elder Larsen... this is his last transfer before he goes home so things are a little diffrent for us but I know its going to be a great adventure. He's an amazing companion and I love him so much. We havent had a single disagreement and we just work hard everyday. Actully next Sunday we will have two Baptisms with a mother and daughter. They were planned to be Baptised yesterday but she told us she would like all her family there. I totally agreed with that one so next Sunday will be a speciel day for all of us. :) This week I've done a lot of soul searching as I noticed that I was once again being sucked into the day to day routine attitude of the Mission (This tends to happen a lot so future Missionarys who may be reading this prepare yourselves to always remember why your on the MIssion and you will be protected.) One of the routines I was sucked back into was this. I'm not sure why but I'm still having a hard time STILL with the language... (I know you all thought that I would never bring this one up again huh? haha) but this is whats happening, I can speak Portuguese just fine but when it comes to an understanding level of what is being said on the streets things just dont make sense... one hard thing about Brazilian portuguese is nobody speaks it correctly so what happens is you spend all your time studying a book to learn proper grammer and then when you get on the street you say to yourself "Holy cow what did he just say? Thats not what I studyed this morning!" haha its funny at times and I've really been trying to laugh about the situations and keep going and I've received some many blessings because of this attitude, but this week Satan planted a seed in my brain that was almost destruction for me. I had this small thought enter my mind that went a little like this. "what would happen if I returned home and couldnt speak portuguese correctly... what would people think of me... they would propably think I was slacking and doing nothing on my Mission. Everyone would think I just relaxed my whole Mission and did nothing there..." Now my family and friends on a scale from 1 to 10, (10 being the highest) how selfish was this thought of mine? For me I would say about 13 haha. Theres two diffrences between my E-mails I sent each week and my Brother Bens E-mails he sends... He always focuses on others with incredible stories of helping milton or reaching out to others. (Love of the Savior) Mine tend to focus only on me and my problems haha. (Pride) Pride is something thats very dangoures... you know why? Because we are selfs cannot realize or detect it within ourselves! If that was the case it wouldnt be called Pride haha. I want everyone to take a moment and try and find the Pride in your own lifes. It wont be easy but I know that once we find our little Pride problem, we can work on changing this and grow closer to our Heavenly Father. My whole life I've only cared about what others thought of me... Especially during school or other activites. This same attitude has followed me on the Mission as well, and I'm doing everything in my power to overcome this obstacle. The reason I'm talking about this Pride Problem is we read in the Scriptures that when we have Pride we cannot feel the influence of the Spirit and if you remember what I said at the begin of this e-mail. We cannot teach or learn anything without the companionship of the Spirit with us. I hope this all make sense and I'm sorry its all jumbled together but I hope everyone know how much I love you all... I'm not perfect but I know this church is true and that through the Savior and his Atonement. All things are made possible for us. I also want everyone to know how much I love my Twin Brother... I LOVE him. His e-mails are so inspired and I know that one day when hes an Apostle Everyone will have the chance to hear is life changing advice when hes writting articles in the Ensign. Please read his E-mails and re-read them. Remember that your not reading just a normal E-mail but an E-mail sent from a Representitive of our Loving Lord and Savior. :) He knows what hes talking about!

I love you all and I hope you never forget this. I cannot believe how fast this once in a life time experince is going but I also know that up to this point in my Mission I have no regrets... and I will countinue to work hard no matter what. :) I love you all and I want to wish everyone a happy Valentines day. It seem like it was only yesterday It was Valentines day. Weird! Also Rachel my amazing sister dont think I have forgotten about you. I hope you have an amazing birthday today. I wish I could be there to celebrate it with you but just know that in the future after the Mission there wont be a single day I will miss when it comes to spending time with my family. I love you all and I hope you know that its because of your incredible examples and Faith for Ben and I that doing most of the changing in us... along with the incredible experinces we have each day. :) Love you all so much and I cant wait to hear from you all soon. Love Elder Matthew Ryan Doggett           

Ben #42 Quick to Forget

Well another week here in Brasil is gone and another week of growth is in front of me. I just would like to say once more this wonderful week thank you for all the wonderful emails. I received so many and many last week as well! My heart wishes I could respond to all of you but time doesnt permit me to do so. I just want you... every single one of you who writes me, who gives me such spiritual strength ever week to know... I love you so very much and that this humble boy is touched and humbled by all of your words and advice. Its something really needed by us missionaries, as my brother Matt once stated. It brings me back to my true purpose as a missionary. I leave a blessing upon you all this week that the Lord may bless everyone of you with strength to overcome the difficulties that this life has to offer whatever they may be. Since you have helped me overcome the rough times of my mission. Thank you all once more I love you all so very much... My mind this last week was able to ponder my mission in greater detail then most weeks though. This last week started a holiday here in Brasil called "Carnaval"... or in other words Iniquity! haha (As us missionaries call it) Its been hard to work as Carnaval is dead smack in the middle of my area. Its about a week long event where everyone gets together and drinks and parties in the streets with alot of loud music, dancing, and big floats in the streets. I would say google it but please dont do that! Lets just say there is a lack of clothing that comes with Carnaval haha. Alot of lacking!!! AHHHHHH With this holiday going on this week its been really hard to work and find people to teach. My heart was aching as I walked the streets of Brasil and saw so many terrible things were happening. I imagine I maybe felt a part of what Nephi felt in 3 Nephi as he saw the wicknedness and hardness descend among the Nephites before the coming of Christ. The sad part was they willingly rebeled against God as we read in 3 Néfi 6:18. As I saw some pretty crazy things this week in the true wickedness in this world my heart was grieved and I began to ponder this simple doctrine... "How quick the children of man forget their God." In the Book of Mormon we see this time after time. In 3 Néfi 6 we see that just 6 years after the people see so many miracles and signs fullfilled that were prophesized from the Holy prophets and even wonderful blessings and teachings from them are forgotten and the people once more turn back to their old ways " a dog to his vomit" (3 Néfi 7:8) This is my focus to you all today as I have been once more been humbled by a loving Father in Heaven... How quick are we to forget God?
As I mentioned in my introduction we see how the Nephites so quickly turned from God in the Pride of their hearts. As I was reading this and in some way seeing it as I was in the streets my heart just couldnt eliminate this thought of the wickedness of man.  I have to be honset with you all I was alittle annoyed by the Nephites and what they were doing as I read the scriptures. Why is it that the Nephites could so easily forget those signs and wonders!? How is it they could forget the words of living prophets and their teachings and directions in just the space of 6 years!? Then I recieved probably one of the most humbling pieces of personal revalation in some time. Actually it was moreover a question that was placed into my mind that brought me humble to my knees in prayer. Which was simply this... "Ben, Do you remember the words of my servants?" My mind was then taken back to General Conference, and in this moment I too ask all of you, what do you remember from last General Conference, do you remember the words of the Holy Prophets? Do you remember their teachings? I was so stunned by this. I had received so many wonderful teachings, blessings, promises, and revelation from those servants of God just 5 months ago. Did I truely listen and apply their teachings or was I much like the nephites and turned back to my old ways? Then my mind began to ponder the things of my mission. Have I rememberd and applyed all I have learned during this time in the field? I was brought to my knees as I remembered their teachings and rememberd the many miracles and lessons I have seen and learned during my mission. I know its so easy to deny the abilty to change. Its so easy to forget all the wonderful lessons we have learned throughout our lifes and even forget the blessing that we in fact have living prophets on this Earth today. I was so humbled by this simple truth this week. We have to constantly seek to fill the light in our lives to keep our testimonies and conversions alive. Its up to us! God wont take our agency, thats His gift to us... but we can choose to give it to Him. We can choose to be His servants. My prayer for you all is that you wil remember that we belong ot the church of Jesus Christ that He is our Savior and that we have living prophets to guide us in these the last days... and I testify these are the last days. Im not in Rexburg anymore and I have seen some pretty crazy things that my teenage mind back home could never imagine haha but im grateful for the blessings and growth the Lord has provided me in this time of my life... My mission is so sacred to me and I dont want to loss this time I have. Something that President Dieter F. Uchtdorf once said was (Im translating from Portugese so please forgive me) "Its good to share our testimonies, but to live the Gospel and be an example to those around you is alot better. Its also good to say we will read our scriptures and pray... but its a lot better if we actually do it." I too know this to be true. This is the time to act. These are the last days and we cant allow teh natural man to take over. We cant be quick to forget our God. Im pleading with whomever may be reading this to please not forget the wonderful blessings God has poured out upon you. Dont Harden your hearts but allow room for the Lord to place His enduring love. Remember the Him always... Dont forget Him.
This past week was such a humbling and powerful week (As it seems every week is here in the mission) but I invite all of you this next week take 15 minutes out of the week to find a talk from Conference and once more be fed by the word of God. As I mentioned my heart ached this week as I saw the festivals and partying of the Children of man. If only they knew where true happiness is found. Im grateful for this chance I have to be a missionary and to bring this knowledge to them that God lives and loves us all so very much and oh is there so much more to this life. This work is so important and needs to be done. Jesus Christ once said "I am the light of the world"... He is my light and I never want to return to the old Ben Doggett, I hope that through my mission I can come unto Him with full purpose of heart that I can give Him all that I am. That I wont forget these changes and miracles I have seen occur in the lives of others but ecspecially in my own life... I love you all so much and give praise for all of you in my life. It sounds like everyone is doing amazing back home and I want you all to know im doing amazing here. I realize everyday how weak I am but how in my weakness I can become strong through the Atonement of our Savior Jesus Christ... Family and Friends I have so much to learn but I kow the Lord will provide a path for me to follow as long as I do what he asks. I found out yesterday I have been transfered from Rio Claro. I will leave tomorrow to my new area. I will also be getting a new companion. I know that whatever happens will be the will of the Lord and I will go and do exactly what He asks. Once more I love you all and apoligize this email this week was a little smaller then usual but still I pray and hope you felt the spirit as I did typing this. May God bless you all and bring to your mind those moments in your life when you felt the sure power and influence of the spirit...Dont be quick to forget God, but rather give Him praise for everything you have and for His infinate mercy and love. Once more I pray some of you may be strengthend and edified by this small testimony I have gained this week in the hopes that you can feel that peace within you hearts... God be with you all till we meet again, I look forward to hearing from you all soon.
Ama Élder Benjamin B. Doggett
p.s. I have some pretty sweet pictures to send this week starting with me on a MOTORCYCLE! 

Monday, February 4, 2013

Matt #42

Well everyone what a week! Like usual thank you for the amazing letters and e-mails... They are and forever will be a blessing in my life. I dont know if you all knew this and I kinda wanted to keep it a secret but why keep this a secret when its so cool! There is a website called "" where you can put journal entries and pictures and stuff into it and afterwards you can make it into a huge 800 page hardcover book with pictures for each entry. Well every week I add my incredible E-mails from my friends and family into my Journal and after the Mission I will have a collection of all the inspiring e-mails I recieve each week from you all in a nice big Book. Pretty awesome huh? :) Thank you all for your incredible words of advice and for the examples you all are in my life. I always have a hard time saying names but you all know who you are so thats not important. You all know that you have a speciel place in my Heart no matter what! 
 Well like always I'm not sure where to begin other then the fact that this week was great. For those of you who arent counting today is my 10 month mark here on the Mission... Its actually really crazy how fast this is going by. It feels like only yesterday I was drinking my last Jamba, saying my goodbyes to friends in Rexburg, and spending my last day with my family in Utah before I entered the MTC... Time is an interesting thing and wow it passes by fast. I do need everyone to know that I love this Gospel with all my heart and I love my Mission. There is no other place I wold rather be then here in Brasil compartilhado meu amor pelo evangelho de Jesus Cristo. This time is Sacred for me and I love it here. :)

 Last week I didnt have time to share some stories with everyone of things that happened that were pretty awesome so today I want to share one Experince that happened two weeks ago and one that happened last night. Two weeks ago I had my eyes once again opened to the importance of Families. A member we were having lunch with asked us if we would be willing to diliver some food to an older man who lives close by and just lost his wife and lives alone. We didnt know who he was and he wasnt a member of the Church so this was a perfect Missionary moment for us. We agreed and prepared the food. It wasnt to far of a walk and when we arrived to the house we noticed a tiny old man waiting by the door... now when our member said she needed us to deliver some food to an older man I was picturing some one in there 60s or 70s but he was in his late 90s. His name is Portugal and hes one of the nicest old men I've ever meet in my whole life. He lead us into his nice humble home and we began to talk with him. From the start I knew he was very lonley.... He told us thats its been quiet some time before anyone has talked with him or stoped by. We ended up talking with him for a very long time about the Gospel and about the Church. As we began talking of our believes and of the Saviors Love for us he began to cry... he explained to us how lonley he was and how much he missed his dear wife. I couldnt help but cry too as he told us of the love he has for her. I began to think of my Parents and of my grandparents and of the Love I have for them. I also began to think of my Future Family and Wife as well and the love I want to have for them. Its was a lot of emotion to handle as the Lord was trying to teach me a valuable lesson during this time. The man Portugal didnt accept our message but we are still trying to help. He explained that he has children but they dont like to visit.... It almost tore my heart out to hear these words. I want everyone to please understand just how important Familes really are... I wish you could feel these experinces or understand whats happening to ben and I on the Mission but its impossible to Describe! OUR FAMILIES ARE EVERYTHING! This is the main purpose of why we are here is to have families within the Gospel. I want everyone to know that families are eternal and they are essencial in the Plan of God for us. I love you Family

 My next story happened last night and it also centers around Families. These past few weeks my amazing companion and I have been teaching a wonderfull family. (If you all remember the young boy Igor who I Baptised a little while back, its his Family.) Well they came to church yesterday and yesterday was fast and testimmony meeting. (I love Fast and Testimony meeting!) and the meeting was incredible. I had the chance to bear my testimony of my Love for all who were there and the Spirit really touched my Heart. Well yesterday we had the chance to talk with this family about the Experinces they had at church and when we began the lesson Igors mother stoped and said "Elder Doggett e Elder Larsen eu tenho alguma coisa quero falar para vocês. Hoje durante a Igreja eu senti o Espirito entro meu coração e sei que estas coisas são verdadeiras. Eu quero ser Batizado." What she said in English is that she knew these things where true and she wanted to be baptised the following Sunday (Next Sunday) She told us this with tears in her eyes and I've never felt so much happiness in my whole life. As we began talking more with the Family their 23 year old daughter began to cry and she told us that she has never had friends like Elder Larsen and I... That no one has ever treated her or her family with more kindness or Love in all her life. She told us that she always believed Americans were just rich mean people but when she met us she just thought we were crazy Americans who were way over the top Happy haha, but when we taught them the message of the restored Gospel they explained that they knew where to find this crazy joy that two Americans had and they where willing to do anything for it. It was a speciel night for all of us and I hope they will be able to withstand the temptations of this coming week. The mother has a problem with the Word of Wisdom and law of Chastity and so does the Daughter but I know that they will be alright and that they will succed! I wish you could have seen the light in their eyes as they said they know this is church is true and they would like to be Baptised and do all they can to follow our Savior... It was incredible and I will never forget last night, and to be honest I'm not worried at all because they had such a desire to change. 

 I love this Gospel and I wish I could sit here and write a million more stories for you all of the lifes I'm seeing change because of the Saviors loving hand... In honesty I'm doing nothing here... all I do each day is carry a message about our Saviors love and the real teacher (The Holy Ghost) is changing lifes. I wish you all could see him work on these investigators because its pretty incredible. I'm just lucky to have the chance to sit here and be a witness of his incredible work. :) Never forget I love this Gospel and that Missions are more then just a two year stretch of time... Missions are a time where we get to see miracles everyday... Where we get the chance to witness the Holy Ghost change lifes including our own. :) I love you all and I hope that this week will be a special one for you all. I want you to know that I really miss you all a lot but i know this is where I need to be. I love this Gospel, its true it really is. Love Elder Matthew Ryan Doggett

Ben #41 Powers of Heaven

Thank you once more family and friends for the wonderful emails. I just love reading them and hearing all the great stories from home and ecspecially your love and testimonies. Everyone of you that sends a letter I can feel such a spirit and power inside of your sure convictions... thank you a hundredfold for your love and support. Its amazing to see all the people who are cheering us on for this great work. As my brother Matt related last week it means so much to us to see how much love comes from our little part in Rexburg, I can only imagine the joy we will all feel once more as we are together someday... but that will be someday, and now is the time of the Lord. I have to be completely honest with everysingle one of you as I begin this email, the waves of feelings and spiritual promptings are overwhelming right now as I ponder what I would like to share with you this morning. I have learned some very vauleable lessons this week and had some eye opening experiences. My whole mission has like that for me in the great spectrum. My mission has been what you would call sacred ground for me, As im sure all you who have served a mission have the very same feelings. I have learned so many lessons and so many attibutes that I can personaly apply for the rest of my life. The list is something I cannot write down for you all, its only something experinced. This last week though, as i mentioned, was something completely different for me... This week was a key moment for me in my mission, more than anyother. We always read stories in the New Era, or Ensign of powerful experiences in the Church and sometimes we as members think "WOW thats a great story."- but is it just a story to you? Is it just another Ensign talk to fill the pages? Or do you really believe something like that can happen, is your faith in tune to believe? As I write my experiences of this last week I pray with all my heart that all you, my loved ones from home, may feel the spirit and conviction that this isnt just a neat stroy but a true witness of the divinity and miracle that we belong to the true church of Jesus Christ, a church of miracles and powers from Heaven. My heart is full and I hope you may feel my testimony and conviction this morning as I look to the spirit to bear witness unto you and that i may share with you all the things the He whould have me say. I love you all so very much.
Our savior lives. I cannot in words describe to you all what I have experienced this last week. As I sit here typing Im truely humbled. I dont know what I can share with you all this day only that Jeus Chirst lives. Being His missionary you have many hardships. This last week it seemed everything was crashing down around me. I have never experienced anything like this in my whole life. It seemed everything was against me. That the very forces of evil were throwing their whirlwinds and fire my way. I was so weak and helpless as the events carried on. One night as I sat on the balcony of our house looking at the stars in Heaven I just felt utterly useless as a servant of God. I had no idea what I was doing. My mind was in a fog and I just felt like a child again. I remember when I was in the 1st grade we took a field trip to the High School. It was a tour so we could see what a "Big" school looked like haha I remember wondering the halls of Madison High School in complete ahh by the giant lockers and the big students haha. I soon become serperated though from my classmates and was alone. I remember the fear and panic that entered my mind as I was wandering the halls not knowing where to go. I was completely alone... The feelings were much the same at this point as I sat on the balcony. I rembered though my sister jenni went to school there so I began to wander into classrooms trying desperatly to find her, anger began to show itself as the frustration of not finding something that was familiar to me became inevitable. I was unsuccesful and began to cry as I fell defeated in the skylight area. Then a student found me crying and took my hand and guided me through the school to help me find my classmates. It was interesting cause as he took my hand all feelings of panic and fear, and anger left. We soon found my classmates and was reunited with them. This memory entered my mind as I felt at this very moment exactly like I did all those years ago. I felt unsuccessful and defeated as I fell to the floor... but then I rememberd that guide who took my hand, who guided me through the very halls of Madison High school that day so many years ago... My Savior Jesus Christ. I feel to my knees and gave Him my heart at this moment as I felt the fear, panic and angry leave as His missionary. I began to fast and I will never forget the power and guidance the Lord gave unto me during that fast as He showed unto me very personal things as I looked to change my heart. I cannot write in words or details the things that have occured in my life at this moment to you all as they are to personal and sacred. I wish though that as you read these words you can know of my surity and love for this Gospel and my savior Jesus Christ. So many crazy things happened this week that was a trial of faith, but I humblely testify to you in my weakness that God is our Savior. If only I could stand in front of you and take you by the shoulders and exclaim this truth to you. Fmaily and Friends you have no idea what my mission has done for me, changes it has made. I never imagined this in all my life as I give praise unto my king. It been a tough ride and i know I still have much more to experience but I know that Jesus Christ is our guide. He know us and knows exaclty what your going through in any moment. You just have the choice of what you will do when He extends His hand towards you. Will you accept Him?... I say Choose Him. He has given you the wonderfull gift of agency so please dont waste it. Remember the definition of "Agency" will determine your happiness in this life and in the life to come. You are a child of God so you know what that means? You have the great strength and ability to choose righteousness and happiness, regardless of your circumstances. Choose Him.
I realize how weak I am and how much I need to work on. This week, as I have typed this day, is someting I cannot explain only lived. I saw many miracles and angels as I testify Heaven is closer then you think. Family remember when we talked on Skype I told you about those 3 sisters we were teaching. Yesterday at the end of my fast I had the chance to Baptize the oldest sister. I have been working with her for 2 months now and she finally was baptized. She has been scared of being baptized but yesterday she made the desscion. I entered the water and then she came in. I helped her down into the font as I noticed that panic and fear in her eyes... That same fear that boy sitting on that balcony the day before, that same panic that boy had so many years ago in the High School... but the guide was there with His hand out stretched, as she was making the step to following our savior Jesus Christ... I then put my hand to the square and said those powerful words of Baptism as the spirit overcame that room. I then prepared to imerse her in the water and say the unsurity in her eyes... but as she came up nothing but joy as her eyes glowed with the light of christ. I was overcome by the spirit and was so humbled by this experience. It was so amazing to see that change in her as my own heart was changed as well. I entered the bathroom to change and just began to cry as I ended my fast in prayer for the goodness and mercy my savior has for me and the chance I had to be a part of that great blessing that had just occured. Family and Friends...Im not perfect. I have so many weakness as I saw this last week... but I humblely testify as I said in my weakness that God is my strength. He is my sheperd and King. I know without a doubt the powers of Heaven are real and we are have angels here to bear us up... Oh how great is my God. My eyes are filled with tears of joy as I know without a doubt that this is the Church of Jesus Chirst of Latter Day Saints. Boys, serve missions and leave those things of the world. Men, remember your missions and remember the conversion you experienced as I know you saw the hand of God as you acted in His name! Dont forget those convictions and pray to God and give Him praise for that chance you had. If only you all could hear my voice and know my heart of my love for the Gospel and my savior... but I hope this day you all may be able to feel it in some small way. Im truely humbled by this great oppurtunity to be a missionay and will not waste this wonderful oppurtunity. I have a lasting conviction of this Gospel and nothing will take that away... In closing im sure some of you are wondering about Milton... He has been released from the Hospital and no longer has any problems, the water that was entering His heart stopped and his health dramatically improved... I testify the "powers of the priesthood are inseperable connected with the power the powers of Heaven." This is my testimony this day to you all that God is the same yesterday, today, and always... He is our Savior and I know He lives! I love you all and thank you so much once more for your emails each week. I havent recieved letters yet because of my area im in but soon I will, I know it! :) Also to my Brother matt whom I love so much. Matt you are a strength to me in somany ways and have helped me make it through some tough parts. You will never know how much my love for you has grown here on the mission. You mean so much to me and are a powerful missionary. Also to Elder Stewart-Chester, Elder Sommer, Elder Manwaring, Elder Buck, Elder Hastings, Elder Nygren, and all my wonderful friends serving our lord. I want you to know how much I love you. You are Gods servant and always remember he is with you in every aspect of your work... never loss sight of that and know I pray for you all everynight. We will be much like the sons of Mosiah I imagine when we all meet again... Love you my dear friends. My heart is full but I hope you could will a portion of my joy this day is my pray... may God be with you all till we meet again.
Élder Benjamin B. Doggett
p.s. Here is a photo of our Baptism yesterday