Monday, October 29, 2012

Matt #29

Wow everyone.... words cannot describe how I feel right now. For some reason today the Spirit encouraged me to read all the e-mails that were sent by my friends and family... its been awhile since I read them all and im so glad I listened to the promting of the Spirit and did because it was much needed today. I wont say names of people who have sent e-mails becuase I dont want to leave anyone out by accident but remember everyone I have read each letter and cried over each one... I miss you all so much thank you for your stalwert examples to me in my life. 
  Well Im not sure what to write this week ... Its tough to make a decision on what to write because after 1 week in the Mission everything changes for you and so when it comes time to write the E-mail, your ideas and thoughts have changed so much, but I'll try my best to sum up one of the most growing weeks of my Mission. Just like my Brother we are experiencing very similar situations and I wont lie but im a little scarred how the Lord is giving us the same trials to make us use are full potetial. Its like we are twins or something having the same Mission in diffrent areas! :) This week was a blessing for me just like every week on the Mission. We have good days and bad days, Days when we feel like we are on top of the world and nothing can stop us or bring us down. Then we have days that are just plain rotten where nothing goes are way... Its the rotten days we need to be gratfull for because those are the days we can apply all we've learned about the Gospel and flip our day around. I had one day this week that was especially difficult for me. I was trying my best to smile and laugh and make the mood light with my weird jokes and strange humor haha but as the day wore on more and more things began to happen that tore me down, but the final breaking point of my hard day was when we recieved the news that my first promising Baptism fell.... Family and Friends I cannot describe to you the emotions I felt at this moment and I will not even try to explain to you how I felt... I just felt hopeless and my faith was shaken. I was walking with my companion and then I just stopped walking... my smile was gone... and I couldnt force another step. My companion didnt notice so he keeped walking. I then said silently to myself "Heavenly Father I am trying my best, I am doing all I can. Where are the Baptisms I pray for every night." I then sat down in the middle of the road and cried like never before. At this moment my companion noticed and he quickely came running back. He said "Elder dogget are you ok? Are you crying because your happy because I've never seen you sad!" Haha I smiled again and explained my feelings to him. Its strange how fast the Lord picks us back up when he knows we've had enough haha. During this time only one thing pressed on my mind when I felt all was lost... I thought of my family and especially my Mother and Father. I thought of my sisters and all my incredible family and support back in Rexburg. All the blessings I'm recieving everyday because of you all. 
Im sorry everyone that you always have to hear all the tough times and you never hear of all the happy times I have here but to be honest, I would have to write a 100 page e-mail just to explain about 1 happy moment hear on the Mission. :) Remember its though the tough times we really grow the most. I'm not sure why I dont have any baptisms. Their is a new Missionary here in São paulo sul who has 13 already... I wont lie I felt pretty defeted when I heard this news but one Missionary who I love so much named Elder Birch said something that changed everything for me. He said "Elder Doggett I have met many Missionarys here on the Mission. I've met good Missionarys and bad Missionarys. Heres the Diffrence between the two... Its not the Baptisms they have but the Spirit that feels their eyes whenever they testify of this great Gospel that defines the good from the bad. Elder Doggett your a good Missionary keep working hard!"  Family and Friends I want you to know I'm really doing my best, and thats all the Lord wants and asks of us. :) I've never been more happy in all my life. Last week my Brother sent a incredible e-mail full of so much strength and faith and a pretty hilarious story about a boy trying his best on the hurdles. This week I too want to share a story with everyone about a man who I look up to and love with all my heart. He put up with a lot during his life especially from his brother, and during this time he always did his best. During my stay ay the CTM I had the chance to really get to know this Man and he tought me so much about what it truly means to love the Mission and have faith. He's had some tough times already on the Mission but I've never met someone more willingly to give his Heart to the Lord. One Sunday in the the CTM this Man stood up during sacrement meeting and bore a testimony about our dear Prophet Joseph Smith that no one will ever forget. He changed the life of every individual in that room with his sure testimony of the Prophet Joseph smith, There was a love that he had when he bore testimony that no one could deny the Spirit.... The last time I saw this man he was waving goodbye to me and I was waving goodbye to him through tear filled eyes wondering when I would see my incredible Brother Ben again. 
Ben I love you, Mom I love you, Dad I love you (Happy Birthday too) :), Jenni/Matt I love you. Rachel I love you, Alyssa I love you. And ALL my friends I love you too. :) I know this Gospel is true with every fiber in my heart and I'm so happy for the chance I have to hear. Im sorry you all dont hear much from me and Im sorry I dont write more about my investigators but I promise I will soon haha. Also sorry this e-mail is soooo long. I'll try better not to send massive E-mails. But remember I love you all and I know this church is true. I honestly cannot believe there is snow in Rexburg because its about a Million degrees here haha but I love it and im so blessed to have the chance to be here. I also want to write and say that next week I will have my first 2 Baptisms with Alexandre and his sister Nayane. Their ready for Baptims and I know they will follow the example of Jesus Christ on Novemeber 4th. Please pray for them and pray for all the Missionarys in the world we need your prayers. Love you all and sorry once again this e-mails is crazy long. I love you all. Áte proxima samana. Eu ti amo! Elder Matthew Ryan Doggett          

Ben #28

Well this week was surely a powerful one filled with many tender mercies of God. One of those blessings being the emails of dear family and friends. As Matt said I too cant name people but the testimonies and love they all shared this week brought an unknown power to this humble boy in Brasil. I will be forever grateful for this oppurtunity I have once a week to sit down and be filled with love from those who pray and care for the welfare of their son, brother, and friend across the world. I feel truely blessed at this moment. Matt I did want to let you know how much I love you my dear brother. I think that was beyond the hardest thing I ever experienced in my life and that was to say goodbye to my wonderful brother matt from the CTM... Matt I love you and thank you for that story and strength. Your companion is right, you are always smiling and so happy. Something I wish to aquire just like you. You are such an amazing missionary, if only I good have half the faith love and strength you posses then I could really work miracles... just like you Matt I love you.
Well as for this week it has been one crazy ride. I spent most of the week on a division with my Zone Leader Elder Longhurst. It was insane! He is from Utah but has family that lives in rexburg... actually I went to High School with his cousin Robbie Powell. What a small world huh? haha It was a good division and I learned so much. It felt good to work hard and teach so many wonderful people the message of the restored Gospel. We really hit the streets with contacts and clapping doors. My nerves are finally subsiding as I open my mouth more and speak Portugese. Im really seeing the hand of the Lord guide me and direct me. This week though I have been thinking alot about my mission and everything that has happened over the course of this 7 months. The person I was and now the person I have become. I realize of my many weaknesses and how much I need the Lords help. My brother Matt mentioned something that stuck out to me cause it to has been on my mind this week as well. He mentioned how a new missionary has 13 Baptisms. This to has been on my mind. Its easy to get down and think of yourself as being a useless tool of God when you are doing all you can to acomplish his work but feel so insignifficant. When I was in campinas central last week I went with another missionary to the heart of the city which actually looks a little bit like New York. As I was there we began to make contacts together. This missionary had only been out in the field for 2 months but was able to more clearly explain and connect with the people. I was feeling overwhelmed and much like my brother did this week and was at an all time low. I walked back to the Mission office felling somewhat sorry for myself. Here I am a missionary of 7 months and a new missionary can already teach more clearly and directly, what am i doing wrong. I had been dilligent in my studies and keeping the rules but felt so uselss and lost as a missionary. I just felt so useless to God. Why does he want me here in Brasil? (You have all heard me say this before) As this thought came through my mind and began to remeber all the blessings I have recieved, all the words of advice and comfort from my friends and family and ecspecially those tender mercies from God throughout my entire mission. "Oh beware the natural man for he is an enemy to God!" I was truely humbled at that moment as I looked down and saw the name of our Savior Jesus Christ near my heart... Slowly throughout this mission I have began to notice that his name has been written upon my Heart. I began to realize all his love and mercy towards me, a humble servant of him. I got down on my knees and asked for forgivness. I know family and friends that Gods work will go forth and he has a plan for all of us. nobody is worthless to God... No one... Later that night when I was with my Zone leader he said some really profound words he said "Elder Doggett, If you do all you can on this mission and keep all the commandments and rules I promise you will be blessed and you will see so many of Gods miracles... if not on the mission then after."
I know and testify that if we strive with all our hearts to be what God wants us to be and srtive to do his work he will bless us. Like I said last week we all have different gifts from God. We all are at a different portion of the race and some can do things better then others... but we are all children of God and we are all srtiving for the same goal. Eternal life we must try to expand our talents rather then feeling sorry for ourselves, just like I did this week...Im so humbled and I apoligize my mind and thoughts are going a hundered miles an hour at this moment and the fellings I have are so extrodinary, I wish I could share what I feel but at this moment I just cant put it on paper. My Brother as I mentioned earlier gave such a profound and powerful email and my mind is still pondering his words. He truely is an example to us all and I feel prompted to ask all of you to read his words again and try to learn from his attitude. He is an extrodinary missionary who will proceed many miracles I so humbley testify, Matt I thank you for your email and testimony this week. It was exactly what I needed to hear. I love you family and friends and pray for you all. I apoligize once more for my mind and spirit are so filled right now as I think of all of your words you sent this week. I know this upcoming week will be an amazing one. Continue to love and develop your talents in this life and Gospel and remember... You are never worthless... God has a reason and plan for everything I so testify.
God be with you till we meet again Elder Benjamin B. Doggett

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Matt #28

Esta samana passado foi ochimo mas foi Dificíl também... meu Português está bon agora mas tenho muitos coisias preciso aprender antes que eu fale fluente, sabe. A Missião é dificìl, durante esta experencia aprendi sobre humildade e como aplicar a mim mesmo aqui na missião and im loving every second of it. :) First off I didnt have time to read everybodys e-mails but I did print them off and will read them once im finished here. However I did read Laurens and I just have to say im so happy for you. Its crazy how fast things are changing back home and its sad that I can't be apart of this great time in your life. but remember that I need to be here in Brasil... I need to be helping as many people as I can! Lauren I love you so much and I cannot tell you how happy I am for you. I hope clint knows how blessed he is to have a women like you. :) Also everyone else thank you for your e-mails. Please write big e-mails EVERYONE because for some reason im not recieving letters and its been a long time since I've heard from anyone letter wise, but thank you for your e-mails they really mean the world to me.
         Well to start off things are going great for me personally. I've learned my purpose and I'm speaking another language... its weird I wont lie but yesterday I was sitting then in church just smiling and listening and without even thinking I was understanding what was being said around me... it was a strange feeling but after 7 long months of work work work things are finally starting to make sense. :) But dont get me wrong im not close to being fluent, I have my stuggles but thats no longer my worry. Right now im worrying about my companion. This past week was very hard for me. Just like my incredible brother things are hard especially when you have problems in the companionship....Im really trying my best, I cant tell you how hard im trying to help everyone but its been really tough. Im not Senior so I can only do so much... Im just trying to be an example. One Missionary said to me at the last Mission confrence we had "Elder Doggett do you want friends in the Mission, or do you want to follow the rules?" I was disgusted with this comment! That should not be how it works around here, but sadly thats whats happened with me. I've done my best to follow all the rules and because of it things are going rocky in our companionship. I love my companion with all my heart and I know with diligent effort and consistent work all things will be ok. Haha Its pretty funny my last companionship inventory I was holding my Preach my Gospel and my book and my hands were shaking as I was preparing to tell my companion what things we needed to change together. He was like "Elder Doggett is everything ok your shaken and sweating?" haha It was a hard time but things are going better now and I wont lie, I've never been happier! Are Branch is on fire and the members are ready for Baptisms (So am I) and I hope this next Sunday we will have three! I still dont have a Baptism here in the Mission but thats no longer a bother on me because I know that I am doing my best and being Obedient.... On the Lords time everything will work out! :) One thing I want to write is this past week I also had crazy intense food Poising and I was so sick I could barly move... but then I remembered that I was in a house with three other Elders who hold the Power of God. I asked for a blessing and I will never be abe to describe how incredible that blessing was but I was able to work a little later that night. The Power of God is real and Im so gratefull for the chance I have to be here shaing the Gospel with everyone. I also want to write that it was during that time when I was sick that I really grew in appriciation for my Mother. For her loving touch and care whenever I was sick, Or when she would go and get me some 7 up when my stomach was upset... I also missed my Father when I recieved a Priesthood blessing. For some reason when I recieved that blessing a very old memory poped into my mind when my Father and my Home teacher Brother Jackson gave me a blessing when I had the Flu... At that time I didnt understand the importance of having a Father who had the Power to give me a blessing but now I do and I remember how good I felt afterwards. I want everyone to know that I love my Mother and Father so much... I love you both and miss you both so much. I actully started crying (I cry a lot out here in the Mission) when I began to think of all my parents have sacrificed for me in my life. I love you both and I hope you know that there is not a single day that has passed by that I havent thought of your incredible examples. I love you both. Well im sorry this letter is fast and I dont have time to respond to everyone individually. but know I love you and that im really doing my best. remember that numbers arent everything and I think the reason the Lord hasnt allowed me to have a Baptisms is he knows I have a big head... He just wants me to be ready when the Special time comes which it will. :) I love you all and hope to here from you all soon! Love Elder Matthew Ryan Doggett. (Brother of the Good looking Twin)    

Ben #27

Another week gone. Another lesson learned... Everyweek I write to you all and share my experiences and trials I face. As I once wrote the mision is an interesting experience. Its like im running in a track and field event, The Hurdles to be exact. Evertime I clear a hurdle there is a bigger and greater one I need to clear. I have begun to realize I cant question if I can clear it, I can only try. A particular memory floods into my mind as we are taken back to my 5th grade year. We did a track and field day where our parents would come and watch us all participate in different events. I remeber watching my Brother Matt as he prepared to run in the Hurdle race. As the race started it was clear each individual runner had different skills and abilities. Some could run faster, some jump higher, others possesed both!.. but one stuck out to me that my wonderful brother Matt had. He couldnt clear alot of them (sorry matt haha) I noticed him sruggling and stumbling over each hurdle. I though remember the quality that out beat anyother racer... His attitude. Some of the other kids were having some of the same struggles as him but were choseing instead to "Call it quits" and drop out. He on the other hand kept on going and in fact he was laughing and smiling, even though each hurdle he faced seemingly seemed nothing but impossible! I even remeber before he reached the finish line he looked back at the whole crowd of people and pumped his arms high into the air with his giant and enormous smile that you all know and love... Thank you Matt... I love you.
I share this story with you all because it brings me humblely to the realization of what we all are striving for. We all face different Hurdles and difficults of life. Others maybe able to clear a some what difficult hurdle of yours with ease while you may have to fight and stuggle and maybe even fall to clear it, and vice versa with them. Ive realized this alot on my mission. A hurdle for me has been the launguage. For others its easy to clear. A gift I have though from God and a Hurdle I can easily clear is I can hear his Holy Spirit, while other missionays have a hard time sometimes clearing this one, (please dont get the wrong impression here and think im boasting in this sense Im just recognizing one of the many strengths God has given me as a missionary) I challenge everyone of you to find your girfts from God. I write this because of some things that occured this week that I feel impressed to share with you all. I wont go into detail of some of the matter due to the respect of my dear companion but I feel this so powerfully in this moment.
My Father this week, and with some approval from my wonderful Mother :) shared a powerful and inspired email that I truely needed. As alot of you are aware my Companion has had some difficulties with the rules. This week though things got even more out of control in comparison to the rules. My hurdle seemed nearly impossible to face and i had no idea what was needed to be done. The rule was pretty big and serious. As I sat and prayed as to what I needed to do my thoughts were turned to the "Missionary Handbook" in it we read that as missionaries we have a primary responsiblilty to our first "Heavenly Father, Then to the President of the Mission and last your companion." I knew I needed to have courage, strength and more importantly love for my companion to solve this porblem. I sat down with him and had no idea where to begin. As I talked though the spirit guided my words and some how I was able to communicate in Portugese all that needed to be said. He agreed and we set goals to solve this problem. I thought all was said and done, but something inside told me it was only the start of the race the Hurdle was not yet cleared. As the week went on I found from inpiration from the spirit the problem had stilled occured once again and this time I knew is was serious. I sat down with him and this time he took it as a joke and was telling me it wasnt a big problem and I needed to stop worrying. That im a new missionary and i dont know how the mission works yet... but I knew with all my heart and once again from the spirit this was serious and I needed to protect him from all danger... but I had no idea how I was going to do that if he couldnt recongnize this situation was serious. I prayed so hard all day for guidance and love to know how I was going to help him through this problem. During the day he was very upset with me and completely ignored me. Anything I tryed to say was ignored. I was completly broken and felt so lost. What was going on? What was this hurdle I needed to clear!? Later that evening in the quitness of our house as I read Jacob 7 in which Jacob testifys to the anti-christ Sêsom that Chirst does live some things really stuck out to me. Jacob didnt have words of elequence like Sêsom, but he had a testimony... I had a testimony and yeah I cant really speak but I had to testify to my companion that these things were wrong and I wouldnt not be subject to it any longer.
He came into the room and I felt the spirit feeling me like i never have before. It directed my words and the conversation began. My companion kept making a joke out of the work and I was becoming sad and confused then the spirit told me to bear testimony. I stood up and through tears and conviction I boar testimony of the work to him, and that I wont stand here any longer hearing this taken as a joke! I continued on but I dont really remeber what i said because All I know was that it was the Spirit and the spirit was there I felt it inside my bosom burning like Ive never experienced. I felt the sure and powerful hand of God use me to protect and help my companion. He sat there and began to cry exclaiming to me how sorry he was and how he deep down he really did know all that had been happening was wrong. I was in so much shock by the power the Holy Ghost had on us both as I sat down next to him and gently put my arms on him and told him how much I loved him as his companion The spirit once again touched my heart and directed me to do his will... Family friends I testify the Holy Spirit will always guide you and help you overcome any Hurdle as long as you put your whole faith and trust in him.
We all have different gifts, talents, trials, difficultites... but through the Lord and Savior any Hurldle can be conquered. Just like my Brother Matt so wonderfully showed that day in 5th grade. Just like I so witnessed this week with my companion. I have to be honest, I wish I could tell you Ive cleared this Hurdle with him, but I know though im still in the race and have to stay positive and happy pumping my arms into the air no matter what the outcome. He still isnt very found of the fact of how serious I am about following the rules but there are commandments for us missions, as we read in Matthew 15 we live the higher law...but As my father told me in his email we cant change the situation only our attitude. We cant change what other people do or force them to do what we want them to do. We only have control over our actions. So I challenge everyone of you to try you best to face the Hurdles of life, dont compare yourself to others cause yeah, they will be able to maybe run faster, jump higher, but you have your gifts too that make you who you are I so testify. I love you all and know that through this difficult times we are made stronger. I have to be honset this week it was hard to be like my brother matt and smileing as I stumbled over the Hurdles... actually at times I just felt overwhelmed and wanted to cry and curl up into a ball, but I so testify to everyone of you reading this That I know with all my heart "These experiences shall be for thine good" Is my humble pray for you all whom I love so much. Stay strong and lean upon the lord for "He is my Rock" I love you all and thank you all for the wonderful emails of power and love this week. What an inspiration for me you all are. May God be with you till we meet again.
Love Elder Benjmain B. Doggett
p.s. Matt I love you and thank you for your amazing smile... Its keeping me going. :)  

Monday, October 15, 2012

Matt #27

Well first of thank you mom for telling me about sister sommers... I can't tell you how sad I am to hear this... I loved her so much, I will never forget everything she did for me and the example she set for all of us young immature boys up at the cabin! Haha I will never forget how incredible her cooking was and all the incredible meals she made for us up at the Cabin and all those times we finished moving pipe and would go and eat apples from her apple tree and she would give us some swidish choclate. Those are some of my best memories with my friends and I will cherish those memories forever... please let the Sommer family know how much I truly love them all. Also I would like to share with you the last conversation I had with sister Sommers. It was Ben and I's first day set apart as Missionarys and with my first companion (Ben) we went and shared and incredible conversation with sister Sommers. She bore her testimony to Ben and I about the power of Missionary work. We laughed and we cried and she told us how gratfull she was for our examples and our decison to serve a Mission... but to be honest ben and I should have been thanking her and her family for their examples to us and by helping us prepare for a Mission. Words can't describe how I feel right now, Im a pretty emotional guy so its hard to put all this in words... but please let the Sommer family know how much I love them, that I will always be here for them. Also I dont have Maguels information but please get this e-mail to him. Let him know how much I truly love him! Grandma Sommers was a special women who everyone looks up to, She set the perfect example of the perfect mother and wife and I love her with all my heart. Please let the Sommers family know I love them and their in my prayers always. 
         Well im sure your all wondering what has happened to me this past week and well its been insane! Eu estou muito feliz porque este semana passado recebi meu primeiro companheiro BRASILION! If you didnt understand my Portuguese this past week I got my first brasilian companion and well my Portuguese is improving faster then I ever imagined but thats only because everything is changed. I'm forced to learn or die now haha and its tougher than tough. I dont have my American companion to fall back on when I dont understand and its been a tough but growing week. Also Im in a whole new area with all new branch members and all new investigators and new district... its been a busy but incredible week! My new area is called Diadema em São paulo and man is it getting hot here. haha It is a lot cooler then my last area because we are no longer surronded by mountains but that doesnt mean its not hot! Haha but I'm loving every second of it and things are going great for me. I love the Mission and I love the people of brasil with all my heart! I wont lie it has been pretty tough this week with the everything being new but I just have to keep working hard. My companion is great, he has 7 months in the mission and so we are pretty equal on experince here in the Mission but since he's fluent in Portuguese he's senior campanion haha. There are a few things we need to work on already in our companionship so im getting a little scarred for the future but for now things are going good! 
       Well I hope I answered most of the basic of changes and questions haha. Well my new area is incredible and our ward members are incredible. I wont lie our chapel looks more like a temple then a meeting house and its so beautiful inside and out and its HUGE! haha which makes me happy because we are going to baptise the whole cidade do Diadema este transferência! Só água! and so we will need a big meeting house. Yesterday was a special dia for me and I wont lie the Spirit was overwhelming during church and some things happened that I will always hold dear to my heart. One thing I would like to share however happened as I took the sacrement, I remember sitting there yesterday and as I reverently took the Sacrement I felt such calmness such peace that I began to cry. I thought back on everything in my life leading up to this point and I just couldnt believe that I was here in Brasil on my Mission... The talk from last weeks General Confrence replayed in my mind over and over again during Sacrement meeting of the young deacon passing the Sacrement to the older gentelman... as this older man partook of the Sacrement he truly felt the Saviors Atoning sacrifice in his life and he knew how impotant it really was for him. I'm happy to say that I too can testify just how important the Sacrament is for us. I love this Gospel with all my heart and I'm so happy to be here in Brasil sharing the Gospel with all. I feel my Saviors love in everything I do here and I'm so gratfull for this oportunity to serve. Missions are hard... actually thats an understament haha Missions are impossible! No 19 (or now) 18 year old young man can serve a Mission alone its just impossible.... but we have the Savior on our side and he is always with us. There hasnt been a day that has past by that I dont feel his love in everything I do.
         I miss you all very much and I especially miss my incredible twin brother.... Ben I know that you are one of the biggest disturbers and annoyers Satan will ever have the oppurtunity to be infuriated by and I love you with all my heart. My brothers e-mails are incredible and sometimes I feel that I'm reading messages written for the ensign and not an e-mail from my incredible twin. My brother has more courage and faith then anyone I know and I love him so much. I want everyone back home to know how much I love you. I'm sorry my e-mails lack detail and I dont write many letters home to those who really mean the world to me... but remember that I'm always thinking of you all always... I have a hard time whenever we teach about eternal families during the 1st lesson because I always cry when I mention my family and my investigators always seem a little scarred I'm crying haha :) But its true. I love my family. I wont try and put it into words anymore how I feel for all of you because I cant... the only thing I can do is bear my testimony that I know this Gospel is true. That we really are nothing in the grand scale of things here on this earth but still... we all mean everything to our Heavenly Father and he loves us so much. I miss you all and love you all with my whole heart. Please remember that I pray for all of you everyday and this Gospel is real. I love you all! :) Elder Matthew ryan Doggett    

Ben #26

...My heart is full in this very moment as I hear the events of this past week. My thoughts are with the Sommer Family at this moment. I had the chance to feel Sister Sommers love during my teenage years. I remeber once particular event when all the boys went fishing and I headed back up to the cabin, there I got to sit and talk with her for a good hour. As she boar testimony to me, a 16 year old boy, I felt the sure witness of the Holy Ghost leave her lips. Another time much later in my life I once more heard this powerful testimony. The last day before entering the CTM and begining this wonderful journey of the mission matt and I sat down with Sister Sommer and shared our testimonys, everyone of us. She shared with us some life experiences and her unshakable desire to follow our savior Jesus Christ. As I sat there set apart as missionary the spirit touched my heart even more then before... She set the course for the rest of my mission and my life...I hope the Sommer family knows that. She has given me strength to be what the Lord needs me to be. I love her and know she is with our Father in Heaven. I cant describe how powerful and comforting this statement is. She was and still is a true disciple of our Savior Jesus Christ.
Thank you everyone for your emails this week once more what a strength they are to me. Mom and Dad, Aunt Karen, Alyssa, Jason, Olivia, and of course my brother Matt. You all have such testimonies of this Gospel and sure convictions. Matt its amazing to me week after week to read how similiar our weeks are. I too am somente falando em portugése. As vezes é diffíl cara,mas eu sei que nos vamos aprender bem rapído! My companion is from Chille and let me tell you it has been quite the experience for me. He is senior companion but we are still in my Area which means im the one who knows all the investigators and members. Its been a little overwhelming for me and definatly this week was really tough for me. Also my companion comes from a different background than I do and thus doesnt have the same ideas as I do.He kinda beats to his own drum and does what he wants but I know the Lord will guide me in this difficult situation. I feel though my Portugese is improving so fast right now being with him which is such a blessing. Being with him though has opened my eyes to many important things some of which I wrote in some letters home to my family. I read a scripture in Jacob 6:12 this week that reads this "o be wise, what can I say more." This are close to the final words of counsel Jacob gives us before he confronts Sésom about Jesus Christ sorry dont remember it in English haha, but my thoughts kept turning to this very important truth "o be wise." In all of our decsions in this life be wise and put the lord before your face. I say this because of many of my experiences this week were centered around this simple but great truth. My companion tryed getting me to participate in things that were not in haromony with the rules of the mission. There I had to take a stand and be "wise," it wasnt easy since it was my first week with him and the launguage barrier is still present but I know the lord comes before all other things... even my companion. God promises in the scriptures that when we do what he says and keep his commandments he will keep His promises "For I the lord am bound when you do what I say, but when you do not what I say you shall have no promise." I need the Lord and his Promises. I want to drink from the well of eternal life that Jesus so simple taught, I want those blessings and happiness that occur when we do what is right, dont you? My cousin Clint sounds like he to is experienceing this in his mission right now as well. Keep staying strong and be wise cousin love you. Also Matt my brother. You are always wise. I love and miss you dearly and want you to know how strong your testimony is to me. It influences me every week I read your words of inspiration. You are such a powerful missionary and know how much I love you Matt.
This week was a tough one but today a truely powerful one. I realized once more my great purpose here in Brazil serving these great people. This week I can lie to you all I did become very discouraged and frustrated with some of the things I heard and saw from other misisonaries, but I testify of the great power of the Atonment and prayer. What a powerful thing it is in our life. I know God does answer our prayers just like our beloved prophet Thomas s. Monson said in this last General Conference. Sometimes we are faced with trials and trials of our faith its only when we are backed up to the wall of our faith and make our stand that determines who we are... and we all will come to that point in our life. I felt that this week and know the lord is putting me to the test and giving me the oppurtunity to come to know him even better. In conclusion the story of the women at the well comes to my mind, and which I quoted from a little bit earlier but in it Jesus taught that the water from the well would be of temporary benefit; (Things of the world) to one who would drink of it thirst would return; "but" he added, "whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of wayer springing up into everlasting life" Everyday here on the mission I feel the Lord giving me one more sip of this everlasting water (my mission) and I know once this cup is finished I too shall never thirst again... Im so grateful for this Gospel and this mission. For the things the Lord is so patiently teaching me. I am his humble Servant and I know in him I take strength this is my testimony and prayer that we all be wise and do all we can to follow our Lords commandments and drink from the well of everlasting life. I love you all family and friends and pray with all my heart for everyone of you; Thank you for all your prayers and strength on behalf of my brother and I. What a strength it is. The Church is ture and may God be with you till we meet again... Also Matt I just wanted you to know I miss you so much and really if only you knew how much you do for me. It means the world to me... haha Satan is the one who trembles when he sees Elder Matthew R. Doggett coming down his way with his giant smile! :) Love you Matt.
Love Elder Benjamin B. Doggett   

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Matt #26

Wow everyone... I wish I could explain the events of this past week but there are to many things that happened that I will never be able to describe... Even if I wrote several books haha. So much is happening to me out here in the Mission that is changing who I am. Things back home that I always thought were important are no longer desires or worries of mine. I feel myself becoming a diffrent person in the Lord and its a great feeling. Thank you everyone for the letters and e-mails. There really arent words or emotion that can describe how important they are to me. I love each of you individually and with all my heart. Jenni happy birthday! I Miss you and love you so much. I cant believe how fast time is soaring by.... its unreal. It feels like yesterday I was at the house playing baseball with my sisters after the Sunday session of confrence 6 months ago... werid! I hope you all remember I love you and pray for you all every single day.
          This week has been and for ever will be one of the most difficult weeks of my life. Many things have happened that are pretty insane and I will explain all about the events of this week in the future... maybe haha. Just remember that I am safe and the Lord really takes care of all his Missionarys no matter what! Thats a promise. :) The Mission is an incredible experince! Well im sure your all wondering who my new companion is and if im leaving my first area and going to a new area! Well to be honest nobody knows yet... There has been some major rule breaking within the Mission with many Missionarys and President Tanner has had enough. Missionarys are going home by the dozens, its sad but true... If you dont want to follow the rules of the Mission then your not following the Prophet and your gone. We have many new rules like no soccer and no drinking coca cola because of problems that have been come from these things and Missionarys have been pretty upset about this, but President Tanner said "If you want to play soccer or drink cola or break any other rule you can do it in your house back home" haha pretty powerfull stuff but we need to remember that its our job to be obedient no matter what... even if we dont understand at first why we need to follow these rules, the Lord will shower blessings upon us on his time. :) but anyway because Missionarys are going home President is trying to figure out what needs to be done with the Mission and with the Missionarys, so transfers are taking a little longer then normal but we should know tonight where everyone is going, but through the whirlwind of this week and the crazy experiences I've had we had a light at the end of the tunnel called General Confrence!
        What a Confrence huh? So many changes especially with the Missionary program! So many people freaked out with excitement when the annoucment was made by President Monson and Im sure it was the same back home. :) But I agree with this decison with all my heart. I remember wanting to go so bad right after I graduated and now those who want to will have the chance. What a blessing. This whole Confrence was a blessing to me... I enjoyed every second of it! haha :) One talk I want to focus on was Elder Jeffery R. Hollands talk yesterday about the Savior... I will never forget this talk and the Power behind every word he said to us about the Savior. The one phrase that burns in my mind is "Do you Love me?" This phrase pierced my Heart and every fiber of my soul! It made me contemplate every decision, every event, every moment/thought in my life... Do you Love me. When Elder Holland spoke those words every emotion in the book of emotions hit me hard and I cried like a baby thinking about every event and every decision leading up to this point in my life here in Brasil. It made me think of EVERYTHING! Well to say the least I felt like Alma the Younger when the angel of the Lord appeared to him and called him unto repentance haha this week has been difficult for me and its not because of the work, language or the insane events... For the first time on my Mission I had the battle in my heart to change. I've always talked about change but saying and acting are two diffrent things. All this time on my Mission I've been working and working to convince others of the Gospel but within my very own Heart I was lacking the Faith neccesary to help those around me and to help myself. Can you believe it? 6 months here in the Mission and still I was struggling with this battle that we all are battling within oursleves everyday.... One phrase, "Do you Love me?" All yesterday I sat in silence battling one of the biggest battles of my life within the chambers of my Heart thinking to myself. "Matt why are you here? I thought "Well I'm here for my family and for my friends... to grow into a better person. Im here because its my Priesthood duty and I'm here because I wanted to serve a Mission." All those are great answers and there true but theres more to it then just that. As I was sitting there thinking something happened that I will never be able to describe in perfect words to everyone, but I felt the impression "Elder Doggett why are you here?" go straight to my heart as if someone else had said the words. The answer became very clear in my heart and my life was forever changed in that moment... My answer to the voice in my heart was "Because I love you." Family and Friends I love my savior with all my heart. This week has been and forever will be the most intense/Spiritual week of my life and the most growing one. :) I love this Gospel and I love you all so much. Im not sure I will be able to describe whats happeneded to me this week but things from this point on in my life will never be the same. :) I know with every single fiber of my Heart the Savior is here for us and he loves us. I know the Power of the Atonement is very real and if any of you have problems and things that need to be resolved take action now dont wait! The Lord will take care of you I promise. I want you to know that I love my Savior and Im here because I love him and this is where he needs me to be. :) Now I only have 6 months on the Mission... theres still many things left in the bag for me to learn before I come home, but Im so happy for the things I've learned so far. This Mission is and forever will be a blessing to me I know that with all my Heart. I miss you all very much especially during this confrence week... The Priesthood session just wasnt the same without my incredible father sitting right next to me, but thats ok because in only a short time we will have those times again. :) I love you all and I hope to hear from you all soon. Remember this Gospel is real and that we need to do our best to follow our Heavenly Father I promise you, you all will receive his tender mercies and blessings when we come unto him. Pray for ben and I and all the Missionarys in the world Family and Friends because we need them! :) LOVE you all and may God our Eternal Father be with you till we meet again. Love you All.        From Elder Matthew Ryan Doggett

Ben #25

Wow was conference just awesome this last weekend! Can I just say conference is a whole new experience as a missionary. As I sat there and listened to the words of the Apostles and Prophet intently I felt the spirit unlike ever before. They had a certain light glow from within their eyes and I just could not turn away from them. As soon as Prophet Thomas S. Monson anounced the new age my mind was blown, my spirit touched, and my heart rejoiced. This revelation from God will progress his work in more ways then I can believe. I know alot more young men and women will now serve and I as a representative of Jesus Christ cant tell you how amazing a mission is. It is for everyone and EVERYONE should consider it prayerfully... The things I have learned in this 6 months have changed me so much. I really am in debt to my wonderful savior and redeemer Jesus Christ for all he has done for me, and taught me. The joy I feel is undescribable. Consider this new revelation from God and join his army he NEEDS YOU ALL. Thank you all again this week for the emails ecspecially my wonderful family, Mom. Dad, Alyssa, Karen, and Melanie. You each touched my heart with you emails and though I cant respond individually please know I took notes and inspiration from all your emails. They touched me and I hold your stories and spiritual experiences dear to my heart. Please know that. Sounds also like Clint is doing awesome. PLease let him know the desire to serve only gets stronger as you get out and learn to have Charity for those you serve. Its such a glorious experience.
Well as for my week lets begin with the intersesting experiences, ending with conference, and a true miracle. First last week, the day after p-day some things occured in our area that were a little unusual and as I prayed with my companion we felt the Lord guiding and protecting us.( A promise from my blessing) I knew that the area I was in wasnt in harmony with the spirit... We contacted the the leaders of our mission (District leader, Assitant to the President etc.) and they thought the best course of action would be to leave my area of Anhanguera for a day or two. We did as we were told, and soon left. I was a little disappionted cause that meant two days of not working with our progressing investigators but I also felt it was best to not be there. We spent the next days in an area called J.D. Amanda and it was a great experience. I was with my District leader Elder Delrei and wow is he an amazing missionary. He cant stop smile and laughing, and always looks for the best in people he is such an example of a true disciple of Christ. I hope to find the same attitude as him and "Uncover my Pavillion and submit to the will of the Lord"-Henry B. Erying. (Loved that talk) The day soon came to go back to our area. When we got they all of our investigators became, what they say here in Brasil "Moles," I was so confused and a little discouraged but I knew I just had to keep going and trying my best. I kept working but I was still seeing no success and I felt like we were going backward with our investigators. I ecspecially become a little homesick on Jenni's Birthday as i missed home and thought im doing no good here. There I was sitting on the side of the road in the pouring rain with the loud cracks of thunder filling the air around me as I decided to mimick the rain and pour my heart unto my savior and ask for his guidance... As the prophets this weekend talked alot about "Leaving our nets (My home, family, friends, wordly possesions) for my Savior" I thought I just have to submit and do His will not mine. I instantly felt the loud thunder of the voice of the Lord bring peace to my heart. We have to give him everything to have that conversion. Something everyday im learning step by step. David A. Bendar said last night "...its a slow progress that must be taken line upon line. In time you will have a true conversion. A testimony is not enough." As I sat there I once again felt a little bit closer to my Lord. As I sat up and continued in the pouring rain the lord poured a miracle unto Elder Clay and I.
We meet with Douglas. You all remember Douglas? He was the man during my first transfer whom we took to the Temple. We have been working with him all 3 transfers and after that moment in the rain feeling the lord deepen my conversion and bring peace unto my soul we began to talk with him. He told us he knows this is all true and he cant wait any longer to be baptized. We contacted the District leader to conduct the baptismal interview and then talked to the Bishop about his situation. During the last session of conference Bishop came and talked to us and told us we have the ok to baptize him. After the last note of general conference was sung by the Tabernacle choir we suited up Douglas in white and... Yes, baptized him. After 4 months in this area working as hard as I could finally I witnessed a miracle given from God on high. Elder Clay baptized him and the spirit was so strong. Tears filled my eyes as I watched him enter those waters... Afterwards I went and talked to Douglas and he explained how he had never felt this much happiness. (either had I haha) We went back into the room and us missionaries sang a hymn for Douglas. He cried with joy along with his wife Adrianna (She is a member) I felt the spirit so strong and it was an amazing way to end conference.
Family, friends after all these months I finally had the chance to have my first baptism and what a joy I feel. I know this church is true and just cant describe my feeling for this mission. My feelings for this restored church of God. I know the Prophets voices that we just heard this weekend were the divine words of God given to us his children. I loved Conference and all the revelation I recevied. Mom you said you loved Elder Jeffery R. Holland's talk. ( so did I) but I want you to know that yes... I love my savior. I left my net and want to continue to serve my master forever. During the middle of the Sunday Morning session when we all sang with the choir "Called to serve" I was the only one in the English room as all the missions went to get a drink of water outside the door. I began to sing with all of you across the world in Brasil "called to serve" and felt tears streaming down my face as I stood and sang with all my heart "Called to serve him my Heavenly King of glory" Im called and im here, the smile could not leave my face. I feel so much happiness and peace and love for this work and I love being a missionary. I cant type my feelings in words, im sorry... just know my sure testimony and... my sure conversion to this everlasting Gospel. I know its the Gospel of our king. I love you all and cant wait to hear from you all soon. MAy God be with you till we meet again. What a strength you all are to me. If there is any advice I can give you its the same words we just heard from all the Apotles yesterday... leave your nets, and have your own true conversion through faith, Scripture study, prayer, and always keeping the commandments. I promise there is nothing more rewarding then to feel the love and happiness the Gospel brings. God bless you all.
Love Elder Benjmain B. Doggett
p.s. Transfers are tomorrow, i just found out my companion is from Chille... so that means English is out the window for the next little while but Im super excited! I know im going to learn so much. Im also staying in Anhanguera for another Transfer. We have alot of great people to teach. I cant wait its going to be a great Transfer. Love you all!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Photos from Ben

A picture of a random fire and of my First baptism here in Brasil

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Matt #25

Woah this week has been insane!!!! Haha to start I got water back last week so everything is going good and we are all clean but you'll be so proud of me mom, I didnt freak out about wearing the same clothes twice in a row or smelling bad haha im really changing here on the Mission! :) haha Well to start thank you all for the e-mails I re-read them so much, there the best but im sorry I wont be able to respond to most of them until next week as time is short but im also happy to say that I also received all my letters finally.... all 15 of them! "Im not going to brag but im getting pretty popular around here" (Quote for Ben) anyway this week was great. Thanks rachel for all the letters, I got 7 from you and they mean the world to me. Thank you for all the detail you add into them I like to be kept up on things back home. Also thank you Brady, Kristin, Ben, Mom, and Dad. Your all inspirations and I miss and love you all so much. I love the quote my ótimo mother sent me last week from Elder Jeffery R. Holland. "I have struggled to find an adequate way to tell you how loved of God you all are" I feel very much the same way every week.... I love you all so much with a pure and everlasting love. Ben thank you for the letter, I'm sorry to say this but when I return I hope to be half the Man you'll be you spiritually Giant you! :) Anyway what a great week overall family and friends.
       To start... Still no Baptisms! agh its so frustrating but we havent given up hope and we are woring harder then ever. We have 7 Investigators who are so so so close! Their names are. thayana, Joanaton, Rosandila, Fernado, Daine, Diego, and Mayara. They're all incredible and so close to Baptism but they all have one fear that I've realized everyone in the world has... Its called change. Change is so extremly difficult for everyone. Dad I love what you wrote last week "Someone who hears the Gospel for the first time must not just believe but must take action for there to be a witness or assurance." How true that is. This is probably the hardest part about the Mission is helping people overcame their obstacles and trials in life and change to follow Christ. 
         Yesterday we had a lesson with Mayara and man was it tough. Her neighbor saw us teaching her the other day and so she told Mayara that we are servents of Satan trying to lead her down a path of destruction... sadly Mayara believed her and that made things very difficult for us, but yesterday we had one powerfull lesson prepared for her. We found her sitting in front of her house very upset and confused about everything we had been teaching her. She looked like she had been crying and we knew that we had to help. So we sat down in the middle of the dirty street and began teaching her about our beloved Savior Jesus Christ. We Bore our testimoneys about our Savior and brother... that we werent servents sent by Satan but that we are Represenitives of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. That we had been sent to her by our Beloved Heavenly Father to invite her to come unto Christ. The Spirit was overwhelming and we asked her "Do you beleving that the feelings you are feeling are from Satan or from Heavenly Father?" She said "There is no way that this peace and joy I feel from you two boys could be from Satan..." She then began to cry and so did I. She then said "Your church is hard... I just dont think I can change" I looked her in the eye and said yes you can. I then read her Néfi 3:7 that the Lord will prepare a way for all to follow him. I then shared how my first few months in Brasil were hard and I felt like I couldnt make it.... but this scripture gave me so much hope! She cried and I cried and I know that this experience will be something that I hold dear to my heart for the rest of my life. We are hoping to help her through this extremly difficult time in her life where she will be changing and coming unto Christ. Its not an easy path for any of us but one we must all take.
         During my Personal studies latly I've really been focusing on how to require a change in our lifes. How can we develop faith to aquire a change of Heart? For many back home you may have realized my focus during my Mission has been on the process of change especially within the Church with both investigators, members, and Missionarys. Why is it the Gospel brings about so much change in our lifes. Ever since I was a young lad in sacrement meeting I was also in shock with the change Missionarys had when they returned home from their missions.... I always wanted that but never understood how to obtain that. Then I was reading in Helamen 14:8 about Samuel the Lamanite and well he had some pretty dang good advice for the Nephites about change. In Hel. 14:8 we learn "Believe on the Son of God, the same shall have everlasting life." If we believe on the Son of God our faith will naturally grow! In verse 10-13 we learn that our job as Missionarys or people in general is to cry repentance unto the people. Dont be afraid my family and friends, be bold with your words and actions and stand tall upon your wall of Faith. Remember that Samuel had Faith to stand upon the wall against the Nephites and so can we! Verse 30-31 We have a choice in all things, we can either follow God or not.... we can either choose Eternal life or not... We can either incoprartae the attributes of light or darkness into our lifes. In the end EVERYTHING boils down to choice and agency. We can choose to develop faith in our hearts, we just need to open them to the Savior. In chapter 15 of Hel. verse 7 We learn what a changing Heart is. There are three very simple steps to changing and opening are hearts. 1st "Believe in the Holy Scriptures" read and ponder its teachings with an open heart. 2nd "Believe in the Holy Prophets." Next week we have General Confrence... how blessed are we to listen to their messages and really ponder on their words. 3rd "Faith on the Lord unto Repentance." With these three qualities we'll naturally obtain a change in our lifes but verse 6 is the key to all this.... We must be Diligent in all things and work hard!! That is key to everything, hard work on our part to change.
             Everyday here on the Mission I meet people who are un-happy with their lifes and they want to change and be happy... to let Christ enter into their hearts but no of them are willing to put in the hard painfull work to change. Family and Friends I know life is hard and I know that times get discouraging but we must never give up! Its only through hard trials and pain do we truly grow and learn to do better! We are at a difficult stage with our investigators because they must make the change and decision within their hearts to change, are job as Missionarys is to be the guide/light for them during this hard time in their lifes. :) Family and Friends I hope you know how much I love you all and Im so happy for the chance to be here in Brasil sharing the Gospel. Im glad to say the language is no longer a concern of mine... I struggle still of course but I realize there are much more important things to focus on here. :) I love you all so much and I wont lie im pretty excited to finish this e-mail so I can run back to my house and read all your e-mails and cry hahah :) I love you all with my entire soul. I miss you all and pray for all of you everyday but I want you to all know that I have never been more happy in all my life. This Gospel is real... that is a fact! I know this church is the true church her on the earth because its the only church that really requires us to make a change in our life and to come unto Christ with full purpose of heart. :) Thank you for all your love and support and I hope to be a better Man when I return! Ge dangit I cant believe its been 6 months... feels like yesterday I left haha. Love you all so much. :)    

Ben #24

I cant tell you once more how powerful your emails are to me. I received so much inspiration this week from you all. Hearing about my cousins journey to the MTC and his adventures in Africa to my all the words of my wonderful friends. Hearing there mission experiences along side Matt and I and to also hear from my friends back home as they encounter everyday life with the influence of God directing their choices. To hear my parents share memories and spirtual experiences of the dealings of life. As time passes I cant help to think how fast it really all goes by us. Dad as you shared your experience with Matt and I as a baby and now as servents of the Lord. Mom as you shared the story of that beautiful baby in the Temple and how close to Heaven we really are. Soon that baby will be all grown up with the Gospel securly in her grasp because of her parents decsion for an Eternal Family. Time is amazing... Life is amazing. Both your emails made me cry as the spirit touched my heart. Matt, my dear brother. I love and miss you with every fiber in my being ( But its ok cause you have the same Fiber in your being, were identical!) haha im so funny! But really meu irmão eu você amo muito. Você não pode entender. Realmente isso é um cosia Eu não posso compartihlar com você em neste momento por que Eu sinto falta você. Matt I love you again Obrigado por seu email semana passada foi muito especial para mim. Again thank you all for your emails they were so powerful.
Ok so this week I dont have alot of time because this is our last week of the transfer so our zone is having a festa in a different area. I wish I could write alot of you back but please know I read ALL your emails and only got the chance to send a few quick ones off but I love you all. I have the feeling this is the last week with my trainer Elder Clay. I cant believe I have been with him for 4 months now, times flys like I said haha. This transfer has been a crazy one filled with alot work. We have so many people we are working with right now. Alot of the problems our investigators face is marriage or relationship. Its so funny cause I have never been married and what little experience I do have in dating is well... you know haha. The Lord though has guided us servents of thee as we have helped our investigators overcome problems and strenghthen their love and relationship. I cant lie, I have learned more about how to have a successful marriage and relationship just in this transfer then any parenting class or amount of dating could have taught me back home. Its crazy how the mission really does prepare you for life. Anything thing can be healed through the atonement, humility and pure love. Pure love is the love of Christ, Service, Charity and and giving complete surrender to the will of the Lord. We all need focus on obtaining the these types of qualities and anything can work out. I promise.
Well as for the events of this week I cant really explain it. I have wittnessed miracle after miracle, blessing after blessing, and the sure hand of God guiding us. I felt this week like just for a moment the Lord lifted me above the fog of the world, and gave me a glimpse of what the joy is. My mind was clear and the path was straight. I know this church is true. This week was definatly powerful as I mentioned. I would like to share a particular event that occured this week that gave me that special glimpse of what the Lord has for me. We received a reference from a member in another area who said they knew a girl in our area who was sick and needed a blessing. She wasnt a member but her boyfriend was and he had explained what a blessing in his church was. She said she would like to receive one so they called us. All day I had been fasting and practicing how to give a blessing in Portugese. memorizing word for word how to properly do it all. As we arrived to the house I was ready and confident to do it... but to my suprise my companion did it all. I thought for sure I was going to get the oppurtunity and felt somewhat once again so lost and confused. I had practiced and and memorized and fasted but still felt like no help to my Lord and savior. I felt like running out of the house, falling to the street and just laying there waiting for the next oni- bus to pass by. Then in my mind I saw it, I saw me on my knees in the middle of a battle field torn and beatten. I couldnt move and just felt so weak. Then I looked up and saw my Savior so pure so full of love for me. He got down and looked me square in the eyes, saying nothing... Thats when I bowed my head and said "I surrender." I realized I was still fighting him. After week after week that you all have been reading and following my emails here I was still fighting my Savior, resisting all he had for me. At that moment I realized I have to give him complete, and total surrender of my Heart and mind... yeah, I have been giving him my might and strength but my heart and mind... no. I was truely humbled and felt the tears once again fill my eyes as I felt him lift me from the dirty ground, clean me off and give me a firm hug. Allowing me, the very person who has been constanlty fighting him to feel his love encircle me. I instantly become so happy and felt so much joy I cant describe it. I must have looked crazy to my companion as I talked and smiled to every single person I encountered throughout the day... I also understood and spoke almost everything it was truely amazing... Also that girl who received a blessing said she felt so relieved and could no longer feel any pain. How amazing is thisGospel.
I know with all my heart this Gospel is true that the trials we face and the hardships we encounter are in the fact the very path leading to him. I felt his love and his power lift me that day and give me the strength to not lay in front of an oni- bus haha :) but to keep going to keep doing his will. Family friends I testify that if we all just give our hearts to him and completely surrender all that we are, we in the end will win, but if we continue to fight and fight with the savior in the end we both will loss. We have to trust in is ultimate power and infinite goodness unto us his children for I am another example of his sure blessings that he does want to give us. Everyone I know with all my heart he lives and loves everyone of you. I wish I could share every moment of this mission with you every little detail and experience but I hope just this tiny piece may in some way help you to understand the joy I am experienceing. I love you all and yes, I do miss you dearly but know I am suppose to be here bringing his children back to him. For this is my calling and purpose and I cannot fail, for God is my strength... I again love you all and apoligize for the lack of details this week and not answering everyone back but please know how much I love you all and cant wait to hear your wonderful testimonies again next week. May God be with you all till we meet again.
Love Elder Benjamin B. Doggett