Tuesday, December 25, 2012


Feliz Natal!!!!! I cant believe the time has flown by this fast. My family sent many amazing and funny emails this week along with some wonderful emails from my dear friends Erika and Kristin wishing a Merry Christmas. (Rachel thank you for your much needed email) My father wrote me an email about the moments in our lives. Ecspecially the little ones... I was thinking alot about that as I remember last year exactly at this time. My family went to Mission impossible 4 and after enjoyed each others company in our family traditions (Movies being part of the Chirstmas eve celebration) I remember every movie I have seen with my family on Christmas eve. Last year was "Mission impossible," and the year before "Tron," and then "Avatar" and so on and so on. I was thinking alot about how dear those traditions are to me and as my Dad said those moments. Traditions are so important in our lives and I encourage everyone to try your best to make some great family traditions ecspecilly around this wonderful time of the year... Im really missing your scones mom haha. Anyway it sounds like everyone is doing awesome and filled with the Christmas spirit, which I love. Its been really different here in Brasil around this Holiday time. It just a different culture, but im taking in every moment. I only have this small time to live here in Brasil so might as well live every MOMENT, right? I did find a Chirstmas tie which has helped out a ton! haha but Once again thank you all for the wonderful emails and support here... and to my family I cant wait to see you all tomorrow. Matt im hoping somehow things will work out that we will be able to talk somehow but I dont know what will happen either way I want you to know how much I love you Matt and miss you dearly right now.
Being here on the mission you really get a different view on Christmas. This past week and transfer I have noticed my attitude about my current situation that you all are fully aware of and probably most likely sick of hearing about haha. Things have been tough. I have tried every possible way to try and be happy through this hard time but was finding no luck. I prayed and prayed, I studied my scriptures, I applied them and every lesson I had learned from my previous transfer and even some lessons I learned back home from some very patient parents... but in all it just seemed in vain. I was depressed and un-happy to say the least. It was the Christmas season! This time should be happy and joyful. I should be leaping up and down with a smile on my face and a heart full of love! Making snow angels and throwing snow balls (or anything in the snow for that matter haha) or spending time with my family and people that loved me! Why was I having all these feeling and emotions! Why was I having these experiences? Where was the Happiness? Where was my joy?... Well family and friends im here this Christmas eve to testify to everyone of you God knows best. He knows everyone of our circumstances and knows what will make us grow. As Neil L. Anderson said in last Octobers General Conference ( Im para phrasing here)  " The trials we face will make us stronger... but they can also destroy us if we allow them..." Family friends I began to notice that instead of "Becoming as a little child, submissive, meek, humble, and full of love, willing to accept all the Father sees fit to inflict upon us" (Mosiah 3:19) I was doing the complete opposite. I was hardening my heart, fighting with the Lord about my current situation and not submiting full heartdly to His will, and coming very close to the edge of destruction as Elder Neil. L Anderson so wonderfully described. I began to notice In my prayers I was asking for my situation to change rather then asking "What would you have me learn Father?" My mom sent me a talk from David a. Bendar that he gave to the students at BYU I some time ago entitled "In the Strength of the Lord" In which he illustares this point exactly. In it he talks about the true meaning of grace which means "The enabling power and strengthing power of the Atonement. He goes on to share a part from 1st Nephi 7:17. This part is familiar to all of us which is the part when Nephis brother tie him up and plan the destruction of their brother, but I ask you to pay close attention to what Nephi does in this situation. Nephi in this moment prayers unto the Lord but in His prayer we see something pretty spectacular that he asks, he says "O Lord, according to my faith which is in thee, wilt thou deliver me from the hands of my bretheren; yea, even give me strength that I may burst these bands with which I am bound." Nephi prayed not for his circumstance to change but to receive strength to change his own circumstance. Sometimes (like me) we just want the Lord to change our circumstance or situation in the blink of an eye, which He can do... but then what would we have learned? I realized I was praying for my circumstance to change but rather I should have been praying for the strength to change my attitude and love my companion and search for the lessons and attributes God wanted me to aquire. As I began to to do this I found an amazing difference in my attitude and I noticed the depression and sadness was slowly fading into the blackness as the light of Christ was begining to overpower those terrible feelings and thoughts. I have begun to find a love for my companion that I cant describe and a self cofidence in myself that I never could have found without my Lord. I began to relize that in any given situation or trial there is something of vaule to be a learned a treasure that can be yours... or as my Dad put it, "a jewel to be kept." The Saviors life is a perfect example of this and what a wonderful chance we have this night to remeber is birth and His teachings. I really began this past week to study the life of Christ and am close to finishing "Jesus the Christ" by James E. Talmage, but something that really stuck out to me was the birth of our beloved Lord and Savior. What a joyous moment that was as our Lord and king came into the world to save all mankind. As the angel told the sheprads in the field "Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.
Family Friends... This week I felt so close to my Savior Jesus Christ and I know I have experienced all of these things this transfer for a specific reason, in this specific time of the Holidays. I have developed a new outlook and understanding of my savior Jesus Christ and His life. I am here to testify to you all of the divinity and surity that Christ was born that glorious day. That He lived a perfect life to bring all of mankind back to the presense of our Eternal Father. He died and suffered for everyone of us so we could overcome death... but came forth that 3rd day as a resurrected being and ascended unto the Father in the flesh... His mission was accomplished. I still have so much to learn and experience in these moments here on the mission... but through that enabling and strengthing power of the Atonement I feel it will all be possible that these trials can never destroy me but make me stronger. A analogy I love is that of a seed. When a seed is planted in the ground it is buried completely! Under all that complete darkness the seed begins to tear, rip, and eventually is destroyed as in the process a flower begins to imerge from the ground onto the surface untill it finds its way closer to the sun and as it climbs higher begins to bloom into something spectacular! I know that i am a seed, buried into the ground by a loving master and Savior. That HE knows I can break and tear my way to the surface so eventually I can become EXACTLY what he needs me to be. I know I have a long ways to go but my Lord is my strength. I love this Chirstmas season and this chance we have to remember our King. I challenge all who read this email to at some time take a small portion of you holiday, just a few moments, find somewhere secluded from the worlds and festas and bow down in humble prayer and give thanks unto your Father for a Savior, for this great season of "Glad tidings" and for the chance you have to worship thy son... I promise to all of you in the name of Jesus Christ as His representative that you will be filled with the true light of Christmas and feel within your hearts a happiness that cannnot be described. A prayer is made up of heart throbs and rigtheouss yearnings which I know you will feel. :) 
Well the time has come once may to wish you an amazing week and a Merry Christmas. I hope with all my heart you may all be filled this Holiday season (not only with food) but the sure and lasting love of the spirit. :)
I love you all so very much and want you to know I am so happy to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, but ecspecially to be a missionary. Its crazy there are times im walking down the street and I think to myself "Wow Ben, You are actually here in Brasil, speaking a different launguage, bringing those "Glad tidings" to people that indeed a Savior was born and lives... This is my testimony to you all and once again share my sure and lasting conviction og this Gospel. I love you all and cannot wait to hear from you soon... Mom, Dad, Jenni & Matt S, Rachel, and Alyssa, maybe Matt... I will be seeing you all tomorrow :) Until then though may God bless you all and watch over you oh and Mom I think I will be getting on at 11:00- 1:00 but to be honest not sure maybe even noon your time. It just depends if everything works smoothly. I love you all again everyone and hope you all have A FELIZ NATAL!!!!!!!!!!!
Love Elder Benjamin B. Doggett   
p.s. hope this makes sense to you all haha its pretty all over the place but I just have so many wonderful experiences I want to share with you all! So many wonderful life lessons... Everyone should serve a mission its amazing how much the lord teaches you. Love you all!

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