I dont know where to begin... First thank you for the emails, they inspired and lift me so much. I love hearing from all you. Its a nice breather for me. I really looking forward to hearing from you all. Mom, Dad thankyou for your amazing advice once again and the testimony you both have. You both said some really powerful things in your emails that I REALLY needed to hear. I have been praying so much to my Father in heaven lately this week has been a tough/interesting week. Matt we are truely in the same boat. I just wished my trainer would just speak porteguese to me as well... but what can you do haha maybe this week I will try to present that Idea to him. He has made some big changes and talked with president. I hope things will start to turn around... there is a reason the Lord put me with him and I need to keep trying my best. My Patriarichal blessings is really shining new light onto its meaning about my companions on the mission. I think Im begining to understand it more deeply... When we teach, I still dont really know whats going on most the time, but hey its all good Im a missionary for God. I will know Portugese with time haha.
I really got down to studying the Book of Mormon this week, I want to know it like the back of my hand so I can be an effective missionary. It was intersesting because I came upon so many interesting scriptures that touched me so deeply as I really began to study them. Dive into the scriptures and you will come to know and love your savior so much. I read alot about full obedience, Its been really pressing deep on my mind because I always heared how crucial your senior companion is and how it will determine the kind of missionary you are. Im going to MAKE sure to stay strong cause I really want to be an effective misisonary for my Lord. I got one shot at this mission I dont want to waste it.
The lord really taught me so much this week. Yesterday for some reason was really tough. I was putting my backpack on and then I felt full blown attacks from the adversary. Thoughts were creeping into my head about how I cant do this, Im a useless missionary, other men could be doing such a better job out here in Campinas, Im just a walking shell and cant teach these people of Brazil... but then the words of Neil L. Anderson came to my mind " you dont know everything, but you know enough." That gave me so much courage. Yeah, Im not the smartest guy in the world. Some things may take more time for me. Like when I first started moving pipe or working at Jamba. Those things where all hard at first, I felt like I would never be good at those jobs but with time and preserverence looked what happen!... I believe thats the same here. Yeah other misisonaries are going to sky rocket with the launguage and their ability to teach the Gospel... Me, it might take some time, but eventually I can become a tool. So, I tightend my backpack, straightened my tie and off we went. Satan will do everything to have us doubt our abilites and make us believe we cant to it, but with the lord all things are possible. Yeah I know its going to be hard, but the words from DC 84: 88 The Lord will send angels to bear us up when things get tough, we just need to be worthy to have them by our side. That scripture really meant alot to me. Jeffrey R. Holland once gave a talk on that exact thing in which he said "God never leaves us alone, never leaves us unaided in the challenges that we face. He will send angels in all froms Heavenly and Earthly." ( I must be doing something right cause I have a million earthly angels bearing me up everyweek I hear from them... in email or letter) I have really felt my testimony grow this week and my love in my savior. Through scripture study and through the words of the prophets we can really come to know our savior and his love for us. Strive to have faith in him and study his word. Marion G. Romeny once said, concerning the Book of Mormon something to the affect. "We cannot afford to not have that daily feeding of the scriptures." I add my testimony to an apostale of the Lord how true that is. We need to study and read them each day and make it a habit. Thus, the lord will teach and edify us and give us the strength to overcome Satans power.
I love this mission... Yeah, its insanely tough. The lord is pulling me and stretching me in everyway possible but I know its for my good. It even says that in DC 122: 7 that your hardships are given you for your experience. Keep that in mind when life throws curves at you. Well I want to give you a quick update on the mission as well. We are teaching a family and they seem to be really intersested. Remember when I told you last week that I went on a division? Well it was actually a family Elder Gamblin and I met. They are wonderful and so excited to learn of the gospel. They even came to CHURCH!!!! haha its hard to get people to come, but they came. I was so happy and excited to see them. The love you develop for the people you teach is undescribable. Its so amazing... Oh, and I want you all to know that now I officially have a Dog story of the mission, like every missionary haha! My companion and I clapped outside of this gate when we were tracking. This giant Dog came running up to the gate and SLAMMED right into it, going crazy. Barking non stop! My companion and I laughed cause it caught us both off guard... Then out of the corner of our eyes we saw the chain around the gate become losse and fall... We werent laughing anymore!!!! That gate flew wide open and we acted fast! I grabbed the gate and slammed it shut with the dog half way outside the gate I tryed putting my foot to its face to try and push it back in but he was snapping at my foot, and I wanted to keep my foot, I use it alot out here haha! Elder Clay and I held tightly to the gate trying our best to get it shut... Eventually we were able to get it closed since the owner of the house, and Dog, came out. He told us dont worry he doesnt bite... YEAH RIGHT THAT THING ALMOST TOOK MY LEG OFF haha. When we left we got a pretty laugh about that and the whole experience it was hilarious.
Well everyone know Im trying my best once more out here. I love this gospel and the things im learning. I still have such a long ways to go but I know eventually I will be where the Lord wants me. I love the emails and letters plaese keep them coming. I just got a letter from Millie and Kristin the other day. They had some great pictures in them and amazing testimonies! I must tell you, the Elders in my Zone went crazy over the cheerleading one haha! Ecspecially the Brazilian Elders haha it was pretty funny but thank you for the letters and pictures, pictures mean the WORLD... which reminds me Mom, Dad I would really like a picture of the house and the front yard... Maybe with the family also on the front yard as well. For some reason I just felt like I should ask for that. :) Well I love you all and have a firm testimoy of the Gospel. Know the church us true and I am suppose to be here in BRazil right now in my life. At times I miss America and my Family and friends, but this is my life now a missionary of God... From the words of Joseph B. Wirthlin... "Come what may and love it" I cant wait to hear from you all soon.
Love Elder Benjamin B. Doggett
p.s. Dad this is for you so you could see where I live... Its Joâo Paulo 2, Cond. Soa Rosa Bloca. F. 13