Well after reading those emails from Jenni, Dad and Mom I dont know where to begin. I say that alot in my emails but its true. Im truely inspired each week by my amazing family and friends. The spirit is so strong right now. I really needed to hear and read every word that you all sent to me. You each said something I really needed to hear and I dont know what i what do without you all in my life. My family is such a strength to me. I love you all so much. This week was an intersesting one I went on a 4 day division with an Elder who has one more month then I do on the mission. His name is Elder Raleigh from Pensilvannia... I dont know how to spell that. haha Since we were in my area of Anhanguera I was put as Senior companion for the 4 days which was a little frightening but it was such an amazing experience for me. We taught and worked so hard. I worked extra hard to make up for the rest of the transfer! haha Elder Raleigh and I speak about the same amount of basic Portugese so the first day was interesting that we were together, but slowly it just seemed the launguage was coming and I was able to understand ever word spoken to me, same thing occured with Elder Raleigh. Anyway As the week went on he told me he had been having problems with his companion and it sounded like the samething I was experienceing with mine. We then determined to be extra obedient during our division so we could witness the blessings of the Lord.
One day towards the evening I had the impression to meet one of our investigators named Dilceia. My companion wanted to drop her because she lives so far away, but thats not a good reason to drop someone and deny them the chance to hear the message of eternal life for me. So since we were on the division I felt this would be the best oppurtunity to go and teach her. We were far from home on our journey there when we both had the impression to take a random road. I had walked to Dilceias house many times but for some reason our feet just took this other path and I just went with it. As we were walking a man began to follow us. I didnt think much of it but I noticed he began to pick up his pace. I turned to Elder Raleigh and he too noticed this man. As I began to think the possibibilty that something crazy was going to go down here in a few mintues, something else prompted me to slowen my pace and allow this man to catch up to us... I then thought "WHAT! are you insane Ben! Dont slow down, run! haha" but I listened and slowed my pace. The man then was then shoulder to shoulder to us and stoped us. He said in a quit voice "sorry I dont want to disturb you men, but I just felt like I needed to come and talk to you both. I have seen you many times in the street passing by over the years and always had a desire to talk to you and see what you do, but ive always lacked the will to do so... but here i am now and I dont know why haha so... What to you boys do?" he was giving a little laugh and seemed perplexed by the situation (Im sure I had the same look on my face haha) We began to talk to him and it turns out he is an inventer and is planning to go to the United States and sell his inventions, but he fells like he needs something else in his life right now. We told him who we were and what we are doing here in Brasil. The spirit was so strong as we talked to him. He then asked us to pass by tommorow and share with him our message... As we were walking away Elder Raleigh said to me with a smile on his face "Thats what happens when you live the rules, and do the work Elder Doggett... God prepares his children." We taught him the next day and he was ready to accept everything. He told us he knew and felt that what we were saying was true and that he knows Joseph Smith is a prophet. With tears in his eyes he thanked us for bringing this message to him saying "You boys have something truely special... a light" I know that God is preparing his children. We just have to be ready at all times and be worthy of that light.
We as missionarys need to be worthy at all times to lead people unto the Tree of life. We hold the fruit and are a beacon unto those who are in the darkness searching for that rod and the tree of life. We cant be in the great and spacious buliding hoping to then lead people to the tree... It cant be done. I know I only have control over myself and my actions, we cant control others. My companion this tranfer has been a little hard at times but I was allowing myself to be acted upon. I was basing my happiness and my ability to feel the spirit on his rule breaking. When in reality it was all my choice. I was choosing not to be happy, not to feel the spirit but instead feel anger and frustration towards him... As I worked with Elder Raliegh this week he helped me to notice that. We experienced some wonderful miracles and I felt so happy... then I realized, I didnt have to loss that hapiness when the division ended but I could continue to fell the spirit and to contiunue to be happy because I know I have contol over what I do. (My Father helped me realize this) Family friends dont allow yourselfs to be acted upon but rather take contol of your situation and feelings and choose to be happy whatever life throws at you. You have to act! President Dieter F. Uchtdorf said, "In your mind picture it, ponder it, and believe it, Whatever you think becomes who you are." I was believeing my companion was the problem to my success as a misisonary, but in reality I was truely humbled to realize it was me. This has been such a growing experience for me this transfer and I have learnerd so much I just cant tell you. The Lord is helping to over come all my weaknesses and allowing me the chance to change my heart. I know this work his is the work of the Lord and I love this chance to be a missionary to totally dedicate all my time in serving my lord and savior Jesus Christ. The learning and growing I feel is beyond description. I never thought in a million years the mission would teach me this much about myself. haha
Family friends I love you all so much and can feel such a strength from you. There is a story I heard about a month ago from another missionary that hit me so strong the story goes a little like this "One day a wise man was overlooking a beach where he saw a little boy walking along the shore grabbing starfish and throwing them back to the sea one by one. This wise man in his wisdom thought, "what is this this crazy boy doing? This shore is covered with millions of starfish he efforts are in vain." In preperation to meet with this boy and tell him of his foolish and useless efforts of throwing these starfish back to sea the wise man made his way down to the boy. There the boy was still throwing the little starfish back to the sea hardly noticing the wise man. The wise man then began to make his great speech. "Boy, what on earth are you doing? Dont you realize this shore is covered with millions of starfish? You are hardly doing anyone anygood and plainly you are just wasting your time. You arnt making a difference" The boy turned to the wise man, smiled, picked up another starfish and threw it out to sea... Turning to the wise man the boy said "I just made a difference in the life of THAT Starfish" and continued on throwing them in one by one." Family and Friends I tell you this story because you all have made a difference in my life. Everytime I was washed up on shore one of you is there to throw me back to sea, and give me the will to continue onward. I will be forever grateful for all of you in my life. I know I have so much more I need to learn. This last week was truely humbling for me as I realized I need to change my attitiude about the situation im in and instead of complaining and being upset with it all I need to accept Gods will and do his work. Being positive and happy along the way because its MY choice how I feel and I know God will send his blessings just like that wonderful man I met on the street... My mom sent a wonderful and powerful quote to me that reads "God doesnt always chance your situation because he is trying to change your heart." I testify this is true with all the love from my heart. and all the love for all of you. God will change your heart as you accept his will... I hope to hear from you all soon and may God be with you.
Love Elder Benjamin B. Doggett
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