Another week gone by. I cannot believe this time is flying by so fast. Everyone told me "the mission will past by your eyes," but I didnt believe it would pass by this fast. Im loving every moment and just as Matt and Mom shared with me today its the little blessings in our everyday lives that matter. If we truely opened our eyes and looked with spiritual eyes rather than our natural eyes we would in fact see the hand of God working in our lives. I was touched by the story you shared mom of the little girl, it brought tears to my eyes. I truely believe and testify that if we change our attitude and look for the everyday blessings in our lives we will begin to see with spiritual eyes and, as Alma put it, "A change will begin within our hearts." (Alma 5) I know it and so testify of its power. Dad It was awesome to hear that you talked with Elder Clay. I miss and love him so much and together He and I had some very powerful experiences. Let him know I love him and am so grateful for all he did for me. I also want my friends who sent emails today to know how much I love you all and how much your emails meant to me. Everyweek Matt and I share with you all the significance of your emails and the power they bring. Thank you from the depths of my heart and know how grateful I am unto my God for blessing me with such an amazing family and friendships. I love you all so much. Well Im guessing you all are wondering about transfers, right? haha This will be a transfer that I will never forget, it was quite the crazy experience for me.
Last p-day after emailing I went around in my area of Botucatu saying my goodbyes as I returned home that night I became very sick where I was vomitting and many other things about every 10 minutes. At about 2 in the morning the Zone leaders called President Perrotti. President told them to take me to o ponto de socorro ( Thier version of Community Care). Our investigator that calls me her son Irmã Deda haha came to our house and took me to the Ponto de Socorro (She said the reason I was sick was because I was so sad I was leaving her haha :) she is an amazing women whom I love) I spent the rest of the night there in the Ponto. I wont go into details but it wasnt alot of fun. (I have never been a fan of hospitals and this place was skecthy haha) At around 6 in the morning I returned home, showered and prepared to go to transfers. I asked the Elders to give me a blessing and I testify of the powers of Priesthood blessings, I know the priesthood of God is in fact connected to the powers of Heaven. I was able to receive strength and make the journey to transfers without anymore problems. I found out as I arrived at the bus station that I will be training again this transfer. It is a new missionary from Chille named Elder Cossio who is really spiritual and excited about the work. Also a big suprise to me is that I will be returning to... RIO CLARO! haha Im so excited and cannot believe the tender mercies and blessings the Lord is giving me. He blessed me so much this last week I cannot even describe to you all. I know my savior Jesus Chirst lives and will in fact lift us in our time of needs. It will be a transfer I will never forget.
Things are going amazing here in Rio Claro and Im so excited to be here. I love the members here so much and I was so thrilled to see them again. There was alot of crying as I saw the members again and the investigators that I had the chance to Baptize. It was truely a blessing unto me. As I was going through the week I thought alot about all these experiences I have recently had. As I mentioned to you all 2 months ago President Perrotti told me that in Botucatu I would learn some vaulable lessons and gain some precious attributes that I would use throughout my life. My time in Botucatu was difficult but I felt as I put my trust in my Savior and His infinate Atonement that my relationship with my Heavenly Father grew in so many ways. I have a sure testimony of this Gospel and its divinity. At times we are all faced with challenges and difficulties. We read in the scriptures that we are here to be tryed and proven in all things (Abraham 3:25) but in these times what will we do? Will we become discouraged and angry and leave the Pavillion? Or will we allow the Will of the Lord to happen and to continue on with faith that everything will be for our experience as the Prophet Joseph Smith was taught in Liberty Jail? I was taught this vauleable lesson in Botucatu as the Lord provided many oppurtunities to exercie my agency and choose what path I was going to walk. Family friends I to testify in the name of our savior that if we just continue to pray, read the scriptures and keep the commandments we will be able to overcome any obstacle or difficulty that comes our way. In my reading of the Book of Mormon I was taken back by a verse I read in (Jarom 1:9) that reads "... the word of the Lord was verified, saying that: inasmuch as ye will keep my commandments ye shall prosper in the land." If we do all this things and contiune to endure to the end in all things never lossing our faith in our savior Jesus Chirst we shall be forever blessed in all things "And moreover, I would desire that ye should consider on the blessed and ahappy state of those that keep the commandments of God. For behold, they are bblessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual; and if they hold out cfaithful to the end they are received into dheaven, that thereby they may dwell with God in a state of never-ending happiness. O remember, remember that these things are true; for the Lord God hath spoken it." (Mosiah 2:41) This is my testimony to you all this day. Hold out until the end. Stay firm and keep the commandments of God... and please trust in Him with all your heart. I cannot write or describe to you all my emotions and feelings in this very moment or the powerful lessons I have expereinced in these last few months... but this one thing I can truely testifiy of is it is indeed an never- ending happiness. The Lord is verified or in other words bound when we keep the commandments "for God cannot lie..." (Enos 1:6)
Family and Friends I know these things are true. Every week I feel myself becoming a little closer to my Heavenly Father in HIs work as I put my whole heart and trust in Him. I love being a missionary and the blessing it is to feel the Holy Spirit in so much power and force to the penetrating of my very heart. I know without a doubt this Gospel is true and can in fact purify us in every aspect of our lives. Any trial, difficulty, or weakness can be overcome through our Savior and Redeemer Jesus Christ, if we will do our part and endure to the end by keeping His commandments and be "Example of the Believers." (1st Timothy 4:12) always. I love you all so much and apoligize for the lack of spirituality in this email but Im so happy and feel such a joy in this great work. As Ammon once said to his brothers, "Now if this is aboasting, even so will I boast; for this is my life and my light, my joy and my salvation, and my redemption from everlasting wo. Yea, blessed is the name of my God, who has been mindful of this people, who are abbranch of the tree of Israel, and has been clost from its body in a strange land; yea, I say, blessed be the name of my God, who has been mindful of us,dwanderers in a strange land." (Alma 26: 36) This also is my testimony to you all and my love. I am so blessed by my Lord and His goodness unto me and I give him praise for this wonderful mission. I hope you can all feel the spirit and the joy that comes from being a missionary. Im so excited for this transfer and know it will be an amazing experience. I pray that this week you may all see the tender mercies and love God has for you as you continue to keep HIs commandments and endure to the end, remembering all His promises unto you if ye will but do what He asks I so pray.. I love you all and may God be with you until we meet again.
Ama Élder Benjamin B. Doggett
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