Today I want to share a small message on changing our attitudes, My mom sent me a story that was mentioned at the BYU-I devotional this past week from Elder William Walker. He said the following story "On one occasion, President Monson said, "We can choose to have a positive attitude, We can't direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails. In other words, we can choose to be happy and positive, regardless of what comes our way, "Elder Walker said.
Remembering a time he was sitting outside the First Presidency's boardroom waiting for a meeting he was invited to attend, Elder Walker recalled hearing a whistle coming from an unknown source around the corner.
I thought to myself, "Someone doesn't understand proper protocol. You don't go walking around whistling outside the office of the president of the church, "he said.
A moment later, he saw the whistler walk around the corner; it was President Monson.
"He was happy, and he was positive," he said. He greeted me warmly.... Even with the weight of the whole church on his shoulders, he is an example of happiness and he always has a positive attitude." Sometimes on the Mission or in our lifes time gets hard... We will ALWAYS have hard times... and if you dont have difficulties,problems, or trials your probably Chuck Norris or some kinda terminator robot. Our lifes are full of hard times but its when we give ourselves to the Lord like my Brother Ben said and look at the cup half full not half empty that we will truly find peace and happiness within our hearts. This past week I had many experinces that support this but one I like to share with you is when I was planning this past week. As Missionarys we have to plan each of our days along with goals we would like to accomplish. Once a week we do weekly planning which means we make plans for the whole week along with goals. As it came time to do the planning the weight of the week crashed on me and I felt overwhelmed... There was so much we needed to accomplish that I just didnt feel it was possible. To be honest I started having a really bad attitude and I noticed that when I started making my goals, my goals were so dwarfed and had no challenge in them, I said within my heart "Theres no way we can accomplish all this why make these goals..." Then I stopped myself and said "Elder Doggett you can do all things as long as you trust in the Lord and do your best" I'm glad to say that I changed my attitude fast and I didnt get caught in Satans snare. I set goals that I knew I could acheive but stretched us and guess what... Each of our goals were acheived with a happy attitude. Attitude determines everything in our lifes. This experince is one that is small but I'm begging to learn that its by small and simple things that great things are brought to past. Its by the small lessons that we change not by something grand. As long as we keep going and give all we have to the Lord we will find peace within out lifes and we will be happy always. One more thing I want to say is please never compare yourselfs with others success. Your personal success is what matters to the Lord not someone elses. Remember that when we are happy and have a positive attitude we will be better Missionarys and better members of the Church. I know these things are true and I love you all so much. I'm sorry I didnt have something super awesome to share today but it was want touched my heart today which means someone needs to hear this. :) I love you all so much and remember that Ben and I love you all so much and we are always here for each and everyone one of you. Please take care and stay strong. Also thank you everyone for the blessing you all are in my life. I love you all so much and I cant wait for the day we all meet again soon. Love Elder Matthew Ryan Doggett.
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